A FLEET OF NUCLEAR FAC I L I T I ES AND ACT I V I T I ES UNDERGO I NG A TRANS I T I ON →For many facilities, questions regarding long-term operation, shutdown, decommissioning and possible replacement will have to be answered in the near future, and this requires a forward-looking approach. → For the first time in many years, ASN is going to have to address an exceptionally large number of files concerning new facilities, while at the same time maintaining its oversight of the facilities in operation. →The new nuclear construction programme must be accompanied by exemplary policies regarding the management of nuclear waste and legacy nuclear facilities. →In the medical sector, the preponderance of the organisational issues and the challenges brought by constant innovation is compounded by a far-reaching crisis situation that is exerting considerable pressure on staffing and financial resources. A STRUCTURAL CHANGE I N WHAT C I T I ZENS EXPECT OF THE STATE →The citizens expect the State, in all its aspects, to demonstrate greater transparency and readability on one hand, and a greater ability to listen and to explain the reasons for its actions on the other. →Better results are obtained when the activity managers, decision-makers and local players take on board the nuclear safety and radiation protection issues. →In the present-day context of climate change, increasing attention is focused on environmental issues. A CHANGE I N THE I NTERNAT I ONAL CONTEXT →The centre of gravity of the global nuclear activity has shifted, with some countries taking a more prominent position while others are moving into the background. → The move away frommultilateralism is leading certain countries to favour their national interests. →In the European Union, France is now the only country with a large nuclear fleet and new nuclear projects. THE NEED FOR ASN TO REMA I N AN ATTRACT I VE ORGAN I SAT I ON AND A GOOD PLACE TO WORK →Internal skills must be adapted by looking at the needs towards 2030. →The new work methods must be used as an asset. →Acquiring a shared understanding of the priorities requires increased internal interactions. →ASN’s attractiveness hinges on turning its focus towards the tasks that represent the highest stakes, and providing the opportunity for enriching career paths. 7 6 2023-2027 THE MULTI-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN The issues and challenges