Abstracts of the ASN Annual Report 2023

Basic Nuclear Installations • ASN resolution 2023-DC-0770 of 7 November modifying ASN resolution 2017-DC-0616 of 30 November 2017 concerning noteworthy modifications to Basic Nuclear Installations – BNIs (approved by the Order of 9 February 2024 approving ASN resolution 2023-DC-0770 of 7 November modifying ASN resolution 2017-DC-0616 of 30 November 2017 relative to noteworthy modifications to Basic Nuclear Installations) This resolution defines the requirements applicable to noteworthy modifications made during the construction phase of a BNI. Prior to this modification, resolution 2017-DC-0616 was in fact only applicable to modifications made after commissioning of the installations. This resolution in particular defines the list of modifications requiring notification during the construction phase and those requiring authorisation by ASN. It also adapts certain criteria for activating the notification system, to take account of the lessons learned from application of resolution 2017-DC-0616 since it entered force on 1 July 2019. Summary of a resolution issued in 2022 (included in the 2022 Annual Report), but approved in 2023: • ASN resolution 2022-DC-0749 of 29 November 2022 amending ASN resolution 2015-DC-0508 of 21 April 2015 relative to the waste management study and the inventory of waste produced in the Basic Nuclear Installations (BNIs) and ASN resolution 2017-DC-0616 of 30 November 2017 relative to noteworthy modifications to Basic Nuclear Installations (approved by an Order of 16 February 2023 approving ASN resolution 2022-DC-0749 of 29 November 2022 amending ASN resolution 2015-DC-0508 of 21 April 2015 relative to the study of waste management and the inventory of waste produced in Basic Nuclear Installations and ASN resolution 2017-DC-0616 of 30 November 2017 relative to noteworthy modifications to Basic Nuclear Installations) All waste produced in a BNI, whether or not radioactive, must undergo rigorous management appropriate to its characteristics. In this respect, the regulations stipulated that the BNI commissioning authorisation application must comprise a “waste management study”, presenting and justifying the waste management procedures in this installation and the corresponding management means, in order to reduce the quantity and harmfulness of the waste produced. Decree 2019-190 of 14 March 2019 codifying the provisions applicable to BNIs, the transport of radioactive substances and transparency in the nuclear field modified the regulations. The impact assessment, transmitted with the BNI creation authorisation application and updated at each major stage in its life, must now demonstrate waste management optimisation, notably in the light of the effects of the installation on the environment and health. On this occasion, the waste management study was cancelled as a stand-alone document and its content was to a large extent incorporated into the impact assessment. The parts of the study not incorporated into the impact assessment and concerning the operational waste management procedures, will be taken up in the BNI General Operating Rules (RGEs). In order to take account of these regulatory changes, this resolution modifies: ∙ ASN resolution 2015-DC-0508 of 21 April 2015 relative to the study of waste management and the inventory of waste produced in the BNIs; ∙ ASN resolution 2017-DC-0616 of 30 November 2017 relative to noteworthy modifications to BNIs. The modifications made are of several types: Firstly, the resolution divides the content of the waste management study between the impact assessment – which is to present the waste produced in the BNI and demonstrate that the objectives set by the Environment Code, such as the hierarchy of waste management methods or compliance with the guidelines of the national and regional waste management plans, have actually been taken into account – and the RGEs, which contain the provisions relating to the routine operation of the BNI and may change more frequently. Secondly, they reinforce certain waste management requirements, to ensure better control of the duration of waste storage in the installations, guarantee a periodic reassessment of the optimisation of waste management and allow improved coordination between the various radioactive or conventional waste management plans. Finally, the resolution makes provision for improved management of waste from a conventional waste area but with radioactive contamination, which is an abnormal situation needing to be dealt with as such. ABSTRACTS – ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 33 Regulatory News