Abstracts of the ASN Annual Report 2023

Find the full Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 on For any information request contact us info@asn.fr asn.fr You can also follow ASN on social media Photos and graphics credits Editorial by the Commission: p. 3: ASN/J. Grison. Editorial by the Director General: p. 9: ASN/Sipa/V. Colin. Notable events: p. 12: EDF/Marc Didier; p. 14-15: ASN/P. Cousin; p. 16: BRIEF/A. Tran Duc; p. 16: EDF – Mission communication Golfech; p. 17-19: ASN; p. 18: Andra/S. Lavoué; p. 18-19: BRIEF/A. Tran Duc. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 French Nuclear Safety Authority 15 rue Louis Lejeune – 92120 Montrouge – France Tel.: 33 (0)1 46 16 40 00 – E‑mail: info@asn.fr Publishing director: Bernard Doroszczuk, Chairman of ASN Editor: Clémence Picart Iconographer: Olivier Javay ISSN 1967 – 5127 Printer number: 14063-7-2024 – Legal deposit: July 2024 Conception and production: BRIEF Printer: Imprimerie Fabrègue