The TMI accident taught lessons concerning the functioning of the reactors. The lessons from the accident enabled the calculated probability of core melt-down in second-generation PWRs to be reduced by a factor of 10. International public opinion became aware that nuclear accidents represented a real risk that could materialise at any time. The accident marked the widening of the nuclear safety debate from the sphere of the scientists and industry players to that of the citizens and politicians. Setting up of emergency plans in France The TMI accident was partly linked to poor understanding of the situation by the operators. It has been established that it was very difficult for a team to call into question its interpretation of the situation. It thus came to light that setting up an emergency team capable of taking a step back from the situation could be a major improvement. Likewise, the need to better define the role of the different players and the organisation of information circulation in accident situations became apparent. Emergency plans were developed on these bases. The need for regular training exercises also came to light. Emergency plans were thus put in place in France in the 1980’s. On-site Emergency Plans (PUIs) were developed by the nuclear installation licensees with the aim of controlling an accident insofar as possible and mitigating its consequences, assisting any injured persons on the site and informing the public authorities and the media. The public authorities established Off-site Emergency Plans (PPIs) meeting the general aim of protecting the populations in the event of a severe accident occurring in these facilities. The first emergency exercise was organised in 1980 at the Fessenheim NPP (Haut-Rhin département(*), France). See glossary pages 33 to 36 Protect the neighbouring populations by informing them of the risks and the measures to take to respond to them The nuclear safety actors developed extensive information plans for the people living near NPPs. The local authorities, the medical corps and the pharmacists were also directly involved in these actions. ? How did nuclear safety and radiation protection evolve following the Three Mile Island accident Three Mile Island, the first nuclear accident that attracted worldwide attention * Administrative region headed by a Prefect. 14 • Les cahiers Histoire de l’ASN • November 2023