Les cahiers Histoire de l'ASN #1

The first nuclear accident to be rated at the maximum level on the INES scale, Chernobyl bears its title of ultimate disaster, not only because it raised international awareness of the consequences of a nuclear accident, but also because the collective memory – and the French are no exception – classifies it as the most frightening event of all time. 108 m Melted core Temporary shelter structure (sarcophagus) built in 1986 257 m An overall cost of more than 2 billion euros An unprecedented impact on the public opinion4. The two disasters that French citizens consider the most frightening are the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents. Firstly, as the surveys succeed one another, the predominance of Chernobyl is being confirmed. Secondly, the surveys conducted since 2011 show that as the Fukushima becomes more distant in time, the Chernobyl accident becomes increasingly predominant in the responses. Up until January 2016 Tens of thousands of “liquidators” have worked in the area over the years. 2018 – 2019 A structure called the New Safety Confinement (NSC) or New Shelter, has been built over the reactor, and was officially commissioned in its final location in July 2019. Réacteur 4 Classification of the disasters that the French consider the most frightening (November 2020 – IRSN) Chernobyl NPP accident April 1986 46% Fukushima NPP accident March 2011 Explosion of the AZF plant Toulouse September 2001 Tsunami Indian Ocean December 2004 Earthquake in Haiti January 2010 Heatwave France Summer 2003 Xynthia storm West of France February 2010 Others 23% 13% 8% 3% 3% 2% 2% In 1987, the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPECST) published a report on the consequences of the Chernobyl NPP accident. One of the recommendations in this report was the creation of a national nuclear safety agency. The creation of the High Council for Nuclear Safety and Information (CSSIN) was enacted by Decree on 2 March 1987. 4. Source: IRSN barometer 2021 Nuclear accidents and developments in nuclear safety and radiation protection • 19