Les cahiers Histoire de l'ASN #1

Editor: Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN) 15-21, rue Louis Lejeune, 92120 Montrouge Publications Director: Olivier Gupta, Director-General of ASN, the French Nuclear Safty Authority Chief Editor: Marie-Christine Bardet This issue was written and produced in collaboration with the members of the ASN History Committee: Pierre-Franck Chevet, Marie-Pierre Comets, Daniel Delalande, Alain Delmestre, Jean-Luc Godet, Olivier Gupta, André-Claude Lacoste, Jean-Christophe Niel, Philippe Saint Raymond ASN Commissioners: Sylvie Cadet-Mercier and Géraldine Pina also contributed to this issue We extend our warm thanks to Dr Jean-Marc Simon, Head of the Radiation Oncology Department of the Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital, Associate University Professor, Expert to the Court of Appeals of Paris, for his contribution to this work Design and production: BRIEF Photos and illustrations: Reda Bentayeb / BRIEF (cover and p. 1), Emilio Segrè (p. 2), Jonathan Shalev (p. 8), IRSN (p. 10), BRIEF (p. 12, 14 to 19, 26 to 28, 30-31), ASN (p. 14), Christophe Guibbaud / EDF (p. 15), Igor Kostine / Corbis / IRSN (p. 18), Arnaud Tetelin (p. 28, 30-31), AdobeStock (p. 23), DR 2648-7683 (on-line version) Date of publication: november 2023