the underground facility will be closed to guarantee the containment* of the waste over a very long time period, without requiring any human intervention and once the surface facilities have been dismantled. A surveillance phase of several hundred years will then begin. Operation of the site will last for about a century and the risks linked to a nuclear installation cannot be ignored: criticality*, HIGH-LEVEL WASTE (HLW) PACKAGES These will be emplaced in vaults about a hundred metres long and about 70 cm in diameter, with a metal liner. INTERMEDIATE-LEVEL LONG‑LIVED WASTE (ILW-LL) These will be emplaced in horizontal disposal vaults a few hundred metres long and about ten metres in diameter. fire, containment, ventilation, falling packages, etc. In the design of the facility, the specific aspects are studied: depth, size, operating lifetime, etc. The reversibility* requirement The disposal of waste in Cigéo will have to be reversible for a period of at least 100 years, in other words, it will be possible to extract the packages during this period in the event of a problem. Inventories The inventory to be adopted by Andra for the studies and research conducted with a view to designing the Cigéo disposal facility includes a reference inventory and a reserve inventory. • The reference inventory takes account of all high level and intermediate level long-lived (HLW and ILW-LL) waste already produced and to be produced by the existing nuclear facilities (nuclear power plants, research centres, etc.), as well as that to be produced by the authorised nuclear facilities (Flamanville EPR, ITER, Jules Horowitz experimental reactor), assuming an average reactor operating life of 50 years. • The reserve inventory take into account the uncertainties associated more specifically with putting in place new waste management routes* or with changes in energy policy. Thus, for the waste from the “new reactors” to be built (in particular six EPR 2), Andra shall be required to examine the waste to be included in the reserve inventory and ensure that the Cigéo adaptability studies enable it to be accepted. INITIAL DESIGN PRELIMINARY WORKS Declaration of Public Utility Decree (DUP) Filing of the creation authorisation application Creation Authorisation Decree (DAC) Act authorising final closure of the repository Commissioning authorisation Act adapting the conditions for continued operation of the repository DAC REVIEW INITIAL CONSTRUCTION PILOT INDUSTRIAL PHASE CLOSURE AND SURVEILLANCE THE MAIN STEPS ENVISAGED IN THE CIGÉO PROJECT 2022 2001-2021 2023 2028 2150 2035-2040 2040-2050 Time-frame Time-frame Time-frame Time-frame OPERATION AND GRADUAL CONSTRUCTION CIGEO PROJECT DISPOSAL VAULTS Radioactive waste • 23