THE NUCLEAR LICENSEES The producers of waste are responsible for it from the technical and financial standpoints, and in the environmental impact assessment of their installation must indicate whether or not it is radioactive, along with its volume, type, harmfulness and the envisaged disposal solutions. PARLIAMENT The Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPECST) organises hearings of the radioactive materials and waste stakeholders and publishes assessment reports and recommendations. The General Directorate for the treasury and that for energy and the climate are responsible for monitoring the financing of the long-term costs related to radioactive waste. The National review board (CNE2) conducts an annual assessment of the state of progress and the quality of research concerning the management of radioactive materials and waste. PARTIES IN THE DEBATE IRSN NUCLEAR LICENSEES THE PARTIES IN THE DEBATE The High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Safety (HCTISN) is an information, discussion and debating body dealing with the risks inherent in nuclear activities and the impact of these activities on human health, the environment and nuclear safety. The Local Information Committees (CLIs) are information and consultation structures set up for each BNI. Their general role is monitoring and consultation regarding nuclear safety*, radiation protection and the impact of nuclear activities on humans and the environment, and promoting information of the public about safety. The National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) is the independent authority responsible for guaranteeing the right of any individual living in France to obtain information about and take part in projects or policies which have an impact on the environment. This “debating right” for the public also helps improve the decisions made by those in charge of projects or policies. It helps inform them of the values, expectations or concerns of the public. Radioactive waste • 7