Les cahiers de l'ASN #05

GLOSSARY Advisory Committee of Experts (GPE): created and convened at ASN’s request, the GPEs issue an opinion on certain technical files with particularly high potential consequences prior to decisions being taken. The GPEs consist of experts appointed individually for their competence and are open to civil society. Their members come from industrial, university and association backgrounds and from expert assessment and research organisations. Anccli: National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions. The Anccli comprises the 35 Local Information Committees (CLIs) in France. By ensuring regular monitoring and issuing clarifications and information that can be readily understood by the general public, Anccli helps give the CLIs the means to fulfil their public information duties. It is also heavily involved in the discussion and exchange bodies set up by its partners (HCTISN, ASN, IRSN, etc.). CLI: Local Information Committee. A CLI is set up for each nuclear power plant and brings together the licensee, ASN, the representatives of the local authorities in the vicinity of the plant and the local residents, along with representatives of the State and members of associations. Containment: leaktight concrete shell containing the reactor vessel, the reactor coolant system, the steam generators and the main elements important for safety in a pressurised water reactor. The containment of the 1,300 MWe reactors has two walls: the inner pre-stressed concrete wall and the outer reinforced concrete wall. Leaktightness is provided by the inner wall and by a ventilation system which, between the two walls, collects and filters residual leaks from the inner wall before discharge. Resistance to external hazards is primarily provided by the outer containment wall. Corium: mass of molten fuels and nuclear reactor core structural elements mixed together, which could form in the event of a severe accident. EPR: European Pressurised Reactor (now renamed Evolutionary Power Reactor). New type of nuclear reactor incorporating numerous improvements in terms of safety, fuel use and economic operation. In France, one EPR reactor is located in Flamanville. HCTISN: High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Security. Information, consultation and debating body concerning the risks linked to nuclear activities. Hydraulic test: required every 10 years by the regulations, the hydraulic test is an overall strength test which involves subjecting the system to a pressure 20% higher than its design pressure. IRSN: Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire - French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety. The IRSN more particularly provides ASN with expert technical support. Licensee (nuclear): natural or legal person operating a Basic Nuclear Installation (BNI), or having submitted a creation authorisation application with a view to operating such an installation. Nuclear Installation: Installation which, due to its nature or the quantity or activity of the radioactive substances it contains, is governed by a particular regulatory system, defined by the Environment Code and the Order of 7 February 2012. Periodic safety review: in-depth examination of a nuclear facility, stipulated by the regulations to take place every 10 years, designed to ensure the conformity of the facilities, management of the ageing of the facility’s components (materials, equipment, systems, etc.) and to raise their level of safety. This review may lead to major works in those areas in which the regulatory and technical requirements have changed significantly. Plant series: reactor model with specified characteristics; a plant series refers to all the reactors of a given model, which are identical. PTR-bis: spent fuel pool additional diversified and semi-mobile cooling system. It primarily uses mobile equipment brought in and operated by the Rapid Response Nuclear Taskforce (FARN). All the mobile equipment is designed to allow for simplified transport and on-site deployment and to ensure rapid startup of the system. Public inquiry: participative procedure enabling the public to find out about a project liable to have consequences for the population and the environment and to submit observations. For example, the creation or decommissioning authorisation applications for a nuclear installation are the subject of a public inquiry, along with the conclusions of the periodic safety review after the 35th year of operation of a nuclear power reactor. Ten-yearly outage: lengthy reactor outage (about five months) during which the licensee carries out checks and modifications in order to reinforce the safety level. The ten-yearly outage is one step in the periodic safety review and leads to a concluding report sent to ASN. The issues of the 4th periodic safety review of the 1,300 MWe nuclear reactors • 21