Les cahiers de l'ASN #05

* See glossary page 21 Increased safety for the 1,300 MWe reactors In France, the NPPs undergo an in-depth periodic safety review* every 10 years, in order to check their level of safety and make any necessary improvements. For each review, the preparatory work entails extensive exchanges between EDF, the reactor licensee*, and ASN, to define the review programme and the safety objectives to be met. The 4th periodic safety review* for the 1,300 MWe reactors follows on from that of the 900 MWe(1) reactors. Two issues must be examined during the periodic safety reviews*: • it is necessary to ensure that the operation of the facility complies with the applicable safety rules and that the ageing phenomena affecting equipment and materials have been correctly identified, dealt with and managed. The licensee* must demonstrate that it can guarantee this management for the coming 10 years. In order to address this need, the conformity check in particular comprises a hydraulic test* of the reactor coolant system and a test of the reactor’s containment*; • the reactor baseline safety requirements in force may become obsolete in the light of lessons learned and changing knowledge and techniques. They must then be reassessed in order to “upgrade” them and bring them closer in line with those of the most recent reactors. This safety reassessment is a key aspect of the approach adopted in France. The 4th periodic safety review* of the 1,300 MWe reactors is based on the safety improvements defined for the 900 MWe reactors. There are in fact many similarities between these two types of reactors and no notable event significantly altering the risk assessment of these installations has occurred since the 4th periodic safety review of the 900 MWe reactors. THE METHODS OF THE 4TH PERIODIC SAFETY REVIEW 1. See “Cahier de l’ASN” magazine no. 1. 4 • Les cahiers de l’ASN • January 2024