Les cahiers de l'ASN #05

* See glossary page 21 From the generic to the specific The safety improvement programme drawn up by EDF for the 4th periodic safety reviews* reconciles an overall approach for all the 1,300 MWe reactors in France with aspects specific to each installation. The reactors of the 1,300 MWe NPPs were all designed according to the same model (the term “plant series”* is also used), as were the 900 MWe reactors. This is why the modifications decided on within the context of a periodic safety review* generally apply to all the reactors with the same power. This is the generic part of the periodic safety review. Over and above the issues concerning all the 1,300 MWe reactors, account must be taken of the particularities of each NPP, installed in a specific environment, for example on the coast or on a river. Therefore, the safety improvement measures decided on for all the reactors in the same plant series must be supplemented by provisions particular to each nuclear facility: this is the specific aspect of the review, which notably takes account of the risks inherent in the site on which the reactor is installed (flooding, earthquake, etc.). The periodic safety review* is therefore based both on the characteristics common to the reactors of the same plant series* and on a specific analysis of each facility. It leads to a range of requirements issued by ASN, in order to bring about a lasting improvement in the safety of the facilities. The licensee* will then implement these requirements over a period of several years, under the oversight of ASN: civil engineering work, upgrading of the facility’s operating procedures, installation or refurbishment of emergency equipment, steps to improve mitigation of the impact of a natural hazard or consolidate spent fuel storage, etc. For each site, the ASN requirements will ensure long‑term improvement of the safety of the facility. THE METHODS OF THE 4TH PERIODIC SAFETY REVIEW 6 • Les cahiers de l’ASN • January 2024