Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

SHEET INTERNAL CONTAMINATION MEASUREMENTS AND TREATMENTS Internal contamination measurements 37 IRSN mobile in vivo measurement laboratories equipped with whole body, lung and thyroid detectors: they give higher levels of performance and can detect low-energy X-ray and gamma ray emitters (e.g. americium-241). The measurement is taken with the person lying down and protected against the ambient radiation, using a longer counting time (about 20 minutes). This time may be adjusted according to several factors: the context, the necessary level of expertise and the number of people to measure). Fixed in vivo measurement facilities: the very low background radiation allows the detection of very low levels of contamination. Measurements taken on people who are standing (licensees), sitting or lying down using equipment with air renewal and significant shielding to avoid measuring the ambient radiation (radon, cosmic and terrestrial radiation). Example of laboratory truck or fixed laboratory system (measurement in lying position). CHECK TO CARRY OUT BEFORE TAKING ANY IN VIVO MEASUREMENT Check the external contamination of the person and if necessary perform decontamination (undressing, shower) before taking the measurement. i © Olivier Seignette/Mikaël Lafontan/Médiathèque IRSN MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY 109