Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

MEDICAL RESPONSE STRATEGY The 7 essential principles 01 SHEET Internal contamination results from the entry of radionuclides into the organism. When a radionuclide is incorporated in an organism, it irradiates the tissues for a time that varies according to the physical half-life of the radionuclide and its biological retention in the organs. This is the committed effective dose. The radioactive substances causing the exposure are incorporated in the organism by ingestion, inhalation or after skin puncture (piercing, injury, penetrating wound). The subject then becomes exposed by internal contamination. Once the substances are incorporated, they can accumulate in certain organs (such as the thyroid in the case of radioactive iodine and the bones in the case of strontium). Emergency treatment with antidotes aims to prevent storage of the contaminant in the tissues or to speed up its natural elimination. Administration of antidotes reduces the quantity of radioactivity retained in the organism and hence the dose received by the tissues/organs and the risk of radiation-induced cancer. SEE SHEETS 7 27 + 38 to 40 + radionuclides handbook In the event of internal contamination, the radioactive elements are stored in different organs depending on their chemical nature. In the event of internal contamination, antidotes must be administered as soon as possible The external contamination of a person comes from deposits on the skin, clothing and/or the skin appendages, such as hair, beard and nails). Decontamination is carried out by undressing and washing the exposed persons, in one or two steps: emergency decontamination, followed by full decontamination. Protecting the upper airways as soon as possible prevents external contamination from being transformed into internal contamination (instructions: do not drink, eat or smoke). SEE SHEET 7 The external contamination was caused by the deposition of aerosols, dust or liquids 12 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY