PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Bismuth-207 ( 207Bi ) ▖Radioactive half-life: 33 years ▖Main types of radiation emitted: X and g Bismuth-210 ( 210Bi ) ▖Radioactive half-life: 5 d ▖Main types of radiation emitted: b- SOURCES OF EXPOSURE ▖210Bi: decay product of Uranium-238 ▖Nuclear reactors 210 Bi Bismuth 207 Bi Bismuth Bismuth EMERGENCY TREATMENT Succimer PRESENTATION SUCCICAPTAL® 100 mg capsules (SERB). DOSAGE Children (2 to 11 years), adolescents (12 to 17 years), adults: 10 mg/kg to be administered orally every 8 h (i.e. 30 mg/kg/d). In the adult, the dose of 1.80 g/d should generally not be exceeded. With children (< 6 years), the capsules can be opened (to ensure the right dosage) and the powder dissolved in a fruit compote, yoghurt or a drink in order to mask its unpleasant taste and smell. EXPOSURE RISK ▖Irradiation ++ 207Bi ▖External contamination ++ 207Bi and 210Bi ▖Internal contamination ++ 207Bi DOSE COEFFICIENT REFERENCE Effective committed dose per becquerel incorporated, taken from the Order mentioned in Article R. 1333-24 of the Public Health Code: INTERNAL CONTAMINATION MEASUREMENT J Urine bioassay J Faeces bioassay J In vivo measurement (207Bi only) RADIONUCLIDE HANDBOOK • Emergency treatment of internal contamination RH 8