DOSE COEFFICIENT REFERENCE Effective committed dose per becquerel incorporated, taken from the Order mentioned in Article R. 1333-24 of the Public Health Code: EMERGENCY TREATMENT FIRST-LINE TREATMENT Potassium iodide PRESENTATION Potassium iodide, 65 mg tablets (PCA – Central Pharmacy of the Armed Forces). DOSAGE Adults (including pregnant women): 2 tablets. Children (3 to 12 years): 1 tablet. Children (1 month to 3 years): ½ tablet (may be dissolved in water, milk or fruit juice). Newborns (< 1 mois): 16 mg, i.e. ¼ tablet. To be effective, the iodine tablet must be taken ideally a few hours before exposure to the radioactive particles and gases and within 8 hours after exposure at the latest. In the event of a nuclear or radiological accident, the tablets pre-distributed to the public must only be taken when formally instructed to do so by the competent authorities (Prefect or high command in a military environments). The treatment must not be renewed unless instructed to do so by the competent authorities. SECOND-LINE TREATMENT 1% iodine solution (Lugol's iodine) Lugol's iodine can be used as an alternative to Potassium iodide tablets when the latter are not available. PRESENTATION LUGOL's iodine (1% potassium iodide – iodine solution) oral drops, prepared by pharmacist. DOSAGE Persons > 12 years (> 12 years): 80 drops. Children (3 to 12 years): 40 drops. Children (< 3 years): 20 drops (Codex dropper). PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tellurium-132 ( 132Te ) ▖Radioactive half-life: 3.26 d ▖Main types of radiation emitted: b and g SOURCES OF EXPOSURE ▖Nuclear reactors (fission products) 132 Te Tellurium EXPOSURE RISK ▖Irradiation ++ ▖External contamination ++ ▖Internal contamination +++ INTERNAL CONTAMINATION MEASUREMENT •J Urine bioassay J Faeces bioassay J In vivo measurement Tellurium RADIONUCLIDE HANDBOOK • Emergency treatment of internal contamination RH 50