Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency EMERGENCY TREATMENT In the event of ingestion of tritiated water, massive hydration (3 to 4 l/d). PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tritium ( T ou 3H ) ▖Radioactive half-life: 12.3 years ▖Main types of radiation emitted: bSOURCES OF EXPOSURE ▖Calibration sources ▖Nuclear reactors (activation products) ▖Radioimmunology (molecular marking) T ou 3H Tritium EXPOSURE RISK ▖Irradiation 0 ▖External contamination 0 ▖Internal contamination + INTERNAL CONTAMINATION MEASUREMENT J Urine bioassay Tritium IRSN-INRS radionuclide sheet: Radiation protection: radionuclides. Tritium ( to find more DOSE COEFFICIENT REFERENCE Effective committed dose per becquerel incorporated, taken from the Order mentioned in Article R. 1333-24 of the Public Health Code: RADIONUCLIDE HANDBOOK • Emergency treatment of internal contamination RH 53