MEDICAL RESPONSE STRATEGY Decontamination and internal contamination treatment procedures PAEDIATRIC VICTIMS Decontamination procedure: The principles applied to adults also apply to children. If a child is unaccompanied or is incapacitated, provisions must be made to accompany them. If a child goes through the able-bodied persons’ line, they must be accompanied by a family member or someone they know. For the treatment of internal contamination: Particular attention must be paid to children (and, by extension, to pregnant and breast-feeding women) because they are the most radiosensitive population group. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE BY TYPE OF VICTIM: MAIN REFERENCE POINTS TYPE OF VICTIM MEDICAL MANAGEMENT DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE Injured victims present at the site of the event Absolute Urgencies (AU), including Extreme Urgencies (EU) Medical care and rapid transfer. EUs must receive medical and/or surgical treatment without delay. They are evacuated directly after stabilisation. For EUs: no emergency decontamination. For the other AUs: emergency decontamination only. With certain stabilised AUs, a contamination check should allow full decontamination of any contaminated areas to be carried out after emergency decontamination. Relative Urgencies (RU) Prehospital decontamination before transfer to a healthcare facility. Emergency decontamination and full decontamination, followed by a residual contamination check. Uninjured victims present at the site of the event They are grouped in a Reception Centre for Uninjured Persons (RCUP). Internal and external contamination check in an RCUP (if this was not done on the site of the event). Questionnaire to classify the victims in one of 3 groups (irradiated, contaminated, irradiated and contaminated). Provision of medical-psychological support. The victims are directed to the appropriate care structures according to their category. Full decontamination if necessary. Prophylactic treatment of internal contamination if applicable. Population situated near the site of the event (permanent or occasional residents) They are grouped in an RCUP. Contamination check in an RCUP. Questionnaire to classify the victims in one of 3 groups (irradiated, contaminated, irradiated and contaminated). Provision of medical-psychological support. The victims are directed to the appropriate care structures according to their category. Full decontamination if necessary. Prophylactic treatment of internal contamination if applicable. 08 SHEET 07 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY 29