Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Organisation of relief and medical care 09 SHEET DIAGRAM No. 4 Organisation of relief and medical care Orsan plan Hospital care** FIXED CP Relief Operations Director Prefect Regionally competent EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (SAMU) Medical regulation of patients to healthcare facilities identified beforehand in the Orsan CRN plan (1st line healthcare facilities) REGIONAL HEALTH AGENCY Regional unit supporting health management Management of the Orsan "Chemical, Radiological and Nuclear " plan (Orsan CRN) 1ST LINE HEALTHCARE FACILITIES Plan for managing hospital resource shortages and exceptional public health situations “White plan, CRN section” 1. Regional Reference Hospital for the RN risk (RRH RN) 2. Other 1st line healthcare facilities OCP Deputy Prefect Specialised structure for informing the public (C2IPAV) and the media Press SAMU Public Prosecutor’s office • Public order • Safety perimeter • Judicial inquiry • Road traffic • Information • Logistics Judicial police Police and Gendarmerie Operations Commander (PGOC) Fire brigade Other services Relief Operations Commander Fire and Rescue Services Director Extinguising Sector leader EOC CP Collection VAA Chief Physician VAA Officer Stetcher bearers Others Transferred victim dispatch area FB / SAMU Physician Sector leader Advanced Medical Post (AMP) AMP Chief Physician AMP Officer Triage physician Triage officer Figthing secondary effects Sector leader Search and locating Sector leader Evacuation Sector leader Others Sector leader PGOC CP Orsec plan Prehospital care* Coordination of all actions carried out to assist the relief work Medical Operational Coordinator * Diagram taken from Interministerial Circular No. 800/SGDSN/PSE/PPS of 18 February 2011 on the French national doctrine for the use of emer-gency rescue and medical care services in response to a terrorist attack involving radioactive materials. ** Diagram taken from Instruction DGS/DUS/SGMAS No. 2014-153 of 15 May 2014 on the Preparation of the Healthcare System for the Management of Exceptional Public Health Situations and the guide Organisation of the Healthcare System Response in an Exceptional Public Health Situation. EOS: Emergency Operations Commander OCP: Operational Command Post C2IPAV: interministerial unit for informing the public and providing aid to victims “public info” CP: Command Post FB: Fire Brigade CRN: Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear| 36 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY