Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

The 2023 issue of the national guide “Medical Response in a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency” is a fully revised version. It builds on the official reference documents and instruments: J Contingency plans such as the regional application of the governmental Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear (CBRN) plan or the Off-Site Emergency Plans; J The medical management aspects: Circular 8001 and the Major Radiological or Nuclear Accident National Response Plan activated by the Prefect. The recommended actions are to be adapted according to the situations and the available resources. The emergency treatments listed are essentially the initial first aid measures to take so that the specialists can subsequently administer the appropriate treatments. In the majority of cases these emergency treatments are carried out by the Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Service (SMUR) and the Rapid Response Health Units (RRHU) of the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) in the field or in hospital in the emergency or intra-hospital structures (imaging, operating theatre, etc.) or in the occupational health services. The emergency therapies proposed in this guide, particularly in the case of internal contamination, which are based on the current state of knowledge, use medicines that have a marketing authorisation (MA) or are undergoing studies with a view to obtaining this authorisation issued by the French Health Products Safety Agency (ANSM). Furthermore, stocks of some of these products have been acquired insofar as possible and distributed nationally for use in the pre-hospital and hospital environments. The update was carried out as part of the work of the Advisory Committee of Experts in Radiation Protection (GPRP) and the French Nuclear Safety Authority (Autorité de sûreté nucléaire – ASN). CONTRIBUTING EXPERTS listed in alphabetical order Members of the working group J P. Barbey (University of Caen Normandie) J Ph. Bérard (CEA) J L. Bodin (CEA) J S. Bohand (Orano) J G. Bonardel (Centre cardiologique du Nord – North Cardiological Centre) J M. Bourguignon (Paris Saclay University – UVSQ) J C. Challeton-de-Vathaire (IRSN) J J. Fogelman (Quatre Villes Hospital) J G. Gagna (SPRA) J F. Ménétrier (CEA) J JM. Philippe (General Directorate for Health – DGS and SGDSN) J Ph. Sans (SIS 31) J D. Schiedts (Cotentin Public Hospital) J C. Telion (SAMU 75) Reviewers J S. Abdelkhalek (Rouen University Hospital) J JC. Amabile (SSA) J C. Bertrand (Henri Mondor AP‑HP Hospital) J A. Bonnin-Dussaud (SSA) J A. Cazoulat (SSA) J M. Deloy (Henri Mondor Aurillac Hospital) J E. Delvecchio (General Directorate for Health – DGS) J M. Deschouvert (Rouen University Hospital) J C. Dolard (Rouen University Hospital) J F. Entine (SSA) J V. Fofana (General Directorate for Health – DGS) J L. Gabilly (Civil Hospices of Lyon) J Y. Ibanez (General Directorate for Health – DGS) J L. Lachenaud (SGDSN) J M. Lamballais-Glemot (Rennes University Hospital) J JB. Le Loch (National Civil and Military Centre for NRBC-E Instruction and Training – CNCMFE NRBC-E) J A. Raynaud-Lambinet (CNCMFE NRBC-E) J S. Supervil (SGDSN) J J. Treille (Nîmes University Hospital) J E. Vial (SGDSN) Previous issues: 1997 : Initial version produced by a working group of the Scientific Council of the Office for Protection against Ionising Radiation (OPRI) 2002 : 1st update coordinated by ASN 2008 : 2nd update coordinated by ASN 1. Circular relative to the national doctrine concerning the use of emergency and medical care resources in the event of a terrorist attack involving radioactive materials. 4 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY