Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

ACTION TO TAKE ON THE SITE OF THE EVENT Carrying out the initial first-aid measures The appropriate vital actions and emergency techniques must be applied to the casualties immediately: medical-surgical urgencies always take priority, whatever the level of contamination. Responders • Emergency response teams: FRS • Emergency medical teams: SMUR, RRHU • Internal security forces Places Exclusion zone and controlled zone + Responders entering an exclusion zone must be suitably protected. The first reflex is to evacuate the victim from the danger zone. If there is no physician at the scene, this is usually done by the first-aid responders, who are trained and practised in performing the reflex actions. 17SHEET This constitutes a reflex action in the same way as the lifesaving actions. • Protect the airways: the means are provided in the Civil Security “VAA CBRN” kits. If these kits are not available, use a respiratory mask, a dust mask, a handkerchief, etc. • Some manual insufflators (Bag Valve Masks – BVM – with one-way valve) offer this protection possibility (no standardised thread for cartridge). • Put assisted ventilation in place if necessary, favouring pure oxygen ventilation if possible. • Do not eat, drink or smoke. Apart from the administration of the appropriate treatments, eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited, including in support zones. Protect the victims against internal contamination 2 Radiological or nuclear agents (RN) can cause internal and/or external contamination. The emergency response and medical teams must protect themselves. • Identify the appropriate dress for each zone, after consulting the RN risk advisors, for all the responders on the scene (emergency teams, Emergency Medical and Resuscitation Service – SMUR, Rapid Response Health Units - RRHU, Internal Security Forces – ISF, etc.). SEE SHEET 22 Protect the responders 1 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY 55