Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

CONTENTS This guide is organised by theme and made up of numbered sheets. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE TAKING ACTION Medical response strategy SHEET 01 n The 7 essential principles p. 11 SHEET 02 n General conditions of intervention p. 14 SHEET 03 n Action priorities along the medical pathway p. 15 SHEET 04 n The 3 types of victim p. 18 SHEET 05 n Questionnaire and description of the circumstances of an event p. 20 SHEET 06 n Responders’ equipment and means of protection p. 24 SHEET 07 n Decontamination and internal contamination treatment procedures p. 28 Regulatory framework SHEET 08 n Reference systems p. 30 SHEET 09 n Organisation of relief and medical care p. 34 SHEET 10 n Arrangements specific to healthcare institutions p. 37 Background SHEET 11 n Irradiation: définitions p. 40 SHEET 12 n Dosimetry: individual measurements and methods of evaluating the received dose p. 43 MANAGING THE VICTIMS Action to take in the event of external irradiation SHEET 13 n Confirming and characterising the irradiation p. 47 SHEET 14 n Guiding the diagnosis through questioning p. 49 SHEET 15 n Evaluating the dose received p. 50 SHEET 16 n Ensuring the radiation protection of the emergency response and medical teams p. 53 Action to take on the site of the event SHEET 17 n Carrying out the initial first-aid measures p. 55 SHEET 18 n Organising the medical pathway of the victims in the 3 zones p. 58 SHEET 19 n Organising the relief work p. 62 SHEET 20 n Before evacuation: stabilising and preparing the victims p. 65 SHEET 21 n Evacuating the injured: leaving the controlled zone p. 68 SHEET 22 n Protecting the responders in the exclusion zone and the controlled zone p. 70 SHEET 23 n Triaging the victims in the VAA p. 75 SHEET 24 n In the VAA: treating the absolute urgencies p. 76 SHEET 25 n In the VAA: decontaminating the relative urgencies p. 78 SHEET 26 n In the VAA: detecting external contamination of able-bodied persons p. 80 SHEET 27 n In the VAA: treating internal contamination and contaminated wounds p. 82 SHEET 28 n At the AMP: managing the victims p. 84 Action to take in a 1st line healthcare facility SHEET 29 n Preparing the premises, rehabilitating them and managing the waste p. 85 SHEET 30 n Protecting the healthcare facility personnel p. 90 SHEET 31 n Receiving and managing the victims p. 92 SHEET 32 n Detecting external contamination p. 96 SHEET 33 n Undressing the victims p. 98 01 02 6 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY