Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

SHEET 22 ACTION TO TAKE ON THE SITE OF THE EVENT Protecting the responders in the exclusion zone and the controlled zone On leaving the controlled zone 9. Article R. 4451-11 of the French Labour Code. All the people who have been working in a contaminated zone (exclusion and controlled zones) must be checked at the interservices airlock. Exit airlock (interservices airlock) It is mandatory for the responders to leave the zone via an interservices airlock, complying with the checking and undressing protocol. The airlock must be installed in a place where the level of radioactivity is equal to the background radiation of the device used. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT • Detectors of alpha, beat and gamma radiation, counter and ratemeter of the Geiger‑Muller or scintillator type (with narrow window). SEE SHEET 32 • Square vinyl sheets, 2 m². • Bin bags, 350 litres. • Dustbin support with bin bags. • Three pairs of Jesco scissors. GARMENTS WORN BY PERSONNEL AT EXIT AIRLOCK • Non-woven coverall category 3 type 5-6, with hood. • Overboots in non-woven material with non-slip soles. • Respiratory protection with an FFP3 mask or, failing this, an FFP2 mask. • If concerns about a chemical risk have not been dispelled or if radionuclides are present in vapour or gas form, CBRN coverall permeable to air and mask with CBRN cartridge affording P3 protection. • Safety glasses (unless a full-face mask is worn). • Two pairs of nitrile or latex gloves complying with standard EN 421 (gloves providing protection against ionising radiation and radioactive contamination): join the first pair of gloves to the sleeves of the paper coverall with adhesive tape. RISKS EQUIPMENT FOR RESPONDERS IN THE EXCLUSION ZONE Radionuclide in form of aerosol, vapour or gas Protect the upper airways Mask: full-face mask respirator with filtering cartridge, OR full-face filtering mask with appropriate cartridges (in case of doubt about the presence of radionuclides in vapour or gas form). Dust-proof garment of category 3 type 5-6: garment with hood and overboots. Gloves: under all circumstances the hands are protected by two pairs of disposable nitrile gloves. Radionuclide diffusible by transcutaneous route Example of a radionuclide that diffuses very easily: tritium Special sealed and pressurised coverall. This type of coverall must be worn when entering a confined environment contaminated with radionuclides of this type. Associated risk of irradiation The exposure time must be as short as possible and the human resources can be organised to allow “sharing of the doses”. It is difficult to plan for a dose limit when it is a question of saving a human life. Nevertheless, the regulations set a reference level of 500 mSv9 for this exceptional situation. Active dosimeter with a triggering threshold and an alarm system. It is vital to wear it to avoid exceeding the reference level of 100 mSv for the group-1 personnel in a radiological emergency. It is recommended to set the alarm threshold to a single value, whether in terms of cumulative dose or dose rate (2 mSv and 2 mSv/h, for example). Action to take in the event of an alarm: - read the displayed values and inform the competent and previously designated services so that they can give advice and evaluate the level of exposure more precisely; - move away from the source if the dose rates are too high (level to be defined). External dosimetry devices SEE SHEET 16 72 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY