Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY 87 07 SHEET The actions of contamination detection, decontamination and checking decontamination must be geographically separated. • Zone adjacent or close to the reception zone (medical and radiological triage). • Zone compatible in all circumstances with a rapid medical intervention (secondary aggravation of a victim). • Zone equipped with a hose-mounted shower system for the decontamination of victims and subsequently the personnel. • Floor with a surface covering that can be readily decontaminated (avoid tiled floors because of the grouted joints). • Protection of the zone: cover the floor and walls with vinyl sheeting, particularly in the sections with complex geometries or crevices (radiators, visible pipes). • Collection of contaminated water: it is preferable to be able to recover the contaminated water, even if this necessitates having a temporary collection system. In some situations it is impossible to collect the water, in which case the effluents must be diluted as much as possible during discharging. If contaminated water is discharged into the wastewater network, the wastewater treatment plant manager must be informed. Decontamination of AUs: full decontamination is carried out after stabilising the life-threatening lesions. Assign a zone to decontamination 5 • A zone dedicated to the treatment of AUs is identified and separated from the conventional urgencies treatment pathway. The medical management of these contaminated victims makes it necessary to protect the premises and the equipment (vinyl sheets) at least to the extent detailed in points 4 and 5. This sector can be materialised by folding screens or movable partitions. • People who have undergone full decontamination but have wounds shall receive medical care in a zone dedicated to the surgical treatment of these wounds, with suitable precautions taken for the personnel. Assign a zone to the treatment of AUs who have not undergone full decontamination and to the surgical treatment of wounds 6 The equipment is limited to the indispensable mobile appliances. Protection of the equipment: • mobile appliances: protection by vinyl sheeting can be considered; • medical and radiation protection equipment: protect as much as possible with food-grade plastic film (except for the sensors of the radiological detection devices, if alpha emitters are present). Provide and protect the reception zone equipment 4 ACTION TO TAKE IN A 1ST LINE HEALTHCARE FACILITY Preparing the premises, rehabilitating them and managing the waste 29