Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

The method of detection differs depending on whether the radionuclides responsible for the potential external contamination are known or not. This contamination monitoring task is of vital importance to determine the medical pathway of the victims. Responders • Radiation protection expert or other personnel trained in radiation detection + © Mirion Technologies © APVL ingénierie © Ludlums Measurements, Inc. Examples of count rate meters Examples of radiation survey meters © Berthold Technologies © Tracerco 96 MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY Detecting external contamination ACTION TO TAKE IN A 1ST LINE HEALTHCARE FACILITY 32SHEET The type of radiation emitted is not identified. Use a hand-held detector: multi-radiation (alpha, beta, gamma) count rate meter of the narrow-window Geiger-Muller type. This type of detector risks measuring the internal gamma radiation as well. The contaminating radionuclides are known. They present sufficiently high levels of alpha or beta radiation to be detectable. Perform detection using radiation survey meters equipped with alpha and beta probes or one combined alpha – beta probe to avoid measuring any internal gamma contamination. Detection must be carried out in a very meticulous and repetitive manner. • Protect the probe or count rate meter with food-grade film, except for the sensor. • Do not let the probe come into contact with the clothes or the victim to avoid contaminating it, but bring it sufficiently close (about 1 cm from the surface) to detect the alpha radiation. • Measure the external contamination by a check at slow speed of about 1 cm/s, to allow for the detector response time, especially when the level of contamination is low and alpha emitters may be present. CASE 1 CASE 2