Medical response in a nuclear or radiological emergency

If the check is negative (no traces of external contamination): leave the zone by the “clean” corridor • Direct the victims to the mobile whole body radiation measurement and/or portable spectrometry means to check the internal contamination and/or collect excreta, depending on the radionuclides involved. • If the means are not available on site, the victim may be asked to undergo a whole body radiation measurement in mobile or fixed facilities and/or collection of excreta at a later date, depending on the radionuclides involved. SEE SHEET 37 If the check is positive (external contamination detected): direct the victim to the decontamination zone • Undress, using the “peeling off” technique. SEE SHEET 33 • Carry out full decontamination. • Dress in hospital pyjamas or gown or scrub suit. SEE SHEET 33 After full decontamination, if the victim has no external body contamination, direct them to the internal contamination measurement and/or excreta collection means, depending on the radionuclides involved. PERSONNEL IN CHARGE OF THE DECONTAMINATION CHECK PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Hourly rotation of personnel with 30-minute break (physiological constraints linked to the PPE, repetitiveness of the checking tasks). Tiredness reduces the precision of the gestures and can result in detection errors. • Paper coverall type type 5-6 with hood. • Paper overboots. • Nitrile gloves (two pairs). • Safety glasses and FFP3 mask or, failing this, an FFP2 mask. • Passive dosimeter and active dosimeter. Check that the detector is functioning properly and note the value of the background radiation. Know the utilisation limits of your detector. Protect the detectors except for the windows for alpha emissions. Check the victims • Slow speed 1 cm/s and at a distance of 1 cm from the skin and clothes. The operator performing the check stands as far away as possible (arm’s length) to limit their own exposure. • Start with the face 1 (mouth, nostrils), the hands 2 , front of torso 3 , thighs 4 , back 5 , back of legs 6 , soles of shoes 7 . • Start with the face, checking very carefully around the mouth and nostrils, then the hands (first the palm, then the back of the hand). If the face contamination check is positive, have the victim blow their nose then place a surgical mask on their face. Put the handkerchief into a bag marked with the name of the victim. • Check the rest of the body from top to bottom starting with the front, then the back. If the victim’s hands are found to be contaminated, put a pair of nitrile gloves on them. • Finish the check with the soles of the shoes. If the shoe contamination check is positive, put on a pair of overshoes. PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING VICTIM CONTAMINATION EXTERNAL CONTAMINATION Contamination is considered positive when the detected value is more than twice the background radiation of the detector. i MEDICAL RESPONSE IN NUCLEAR OR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY 97 ACTION TO TAKE IN A 1ST LINE HEALTHCARE FACILITY Detecting external contamination 32 SHEET 1 Face(mouth, nostrils) 2 Hands 5 Back 4 Thighs 6 Back of legs 7 Soles of shoes 3 Front of torso