ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2014

Published on 15/07/2015

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ASN Report 2014 Abstracts


The ASN (Nuclear Safety Authority) Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2014.

This report is specified in Article L. 592-31 of the Environment Code.

It was submitted to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Presidents of the Senate and the National Assembly, pursuant to the above-mentioned Article.




Improving nuclear safety and radiation protection: a duty as important as ever

2014 was generally in line with previous years in terms of nuclear safety and radiation protection.

The situation is on the whole relatively satisfactory, but we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. The scale of the challenges and the expectations of society mean that the nuclear safety and radiation protection requirements must be gradually tightened, in the light of accident analysis, increasing scientific knowledge and technological developments.

This principle of reinforced safety and radiation protection applies to all facilities, including those which have been in service for many decades.

This concern is apparent internationally. In this respect, 2014 was a significant year:

  • the European directives on nuclear safety and radiation protection were significantly reinforced;
  • a coordinated approach to the management of emergency situations was proposed by all the European safety and radiation protection regulators.
From left to right:  Philippe JAMET, Margot TIRMARCHE, Pierre-Franck CHEVET, Jean-Jacques DUMONT, Philippe CHAUMET-RIFFAUD

This principle of reinforced nuclear safety and radiation protection applies to all facilities, including those which have been in service for many decades. The problems encountered in certain facilities in 2014 (CIS bio international, Osiris, FBFC, etc.) illustrate the problems involved in implementing this principle. Similarly, the possible continued operation of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) beyond forty years and the numerous periodic safety reviews initiated on research and fuel cycle facilities means that major and complex work will be required as of 2015.

This year 2015 will also be marked by:

  • the beginning of examination of the Flamanville EPR NPP commissioning file;
  • continued work to limit the doses resulting from public exposure to radon;
  • continued work to ensure improved management of the exposure of patients and health care professionals, particularly in diagnostic radiology and during interventional procedures.

ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2014.pdf (PDF - 18.74 Mo )

ASN-Report-2014-Abstracts.pdf (PDF - 2.95 Mo )

Date of last update : 03/09/2021