Teleservices / On-line services
Digital administrative procedures are gradually being implemented to help companies using sources of ionising radiation, carriers and the licensees of Basic Nuclear Installations (BNIs) to meet their regulatory obligations.
These on-line services can currently be used to notify:
- the use / possession of most of the X-ray generators used for medical, industrial and veterinary activities;
- the use / possession of certain radioactive sources (and devices containing them) for industrial activities;
- a significant event in the medical field;
- the activity of a carrier and a company loading, unloading and handling packages of radioactive substances;
- a significant or safety-related event in the transport field (in the public domain or in a BNI), with the subsequent on-line drafting of a significant event report;
- a noteworthy change to the general operating rules for the on-site transportation of dangerous goods in BNIs (or submit a licensing application).
To access the site:
Teleservices / On-line services (
Date of last update : 15/10/2021