
In this section you will find the various ASN publications.

ASNR's annual reports

Every year, this report presents the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France. It also presents all ASN actions performed during the past year to supervise and improve the safety of French civil nuclear facilities and of the transport of radioactive materials, and to check and minimise exposure of workers, patients, the public and the environment to ionising radiation.
Since 2004, via the "ASN multiyear strategic plan", it also presents ASN's orientations and goals for the coming 3-year period.
This report, which is the fruit of collective analysis and synthesis work, in which all ASN entities take part, provides an annual record of the changes and difficulties encountered, in both the technical and organisational spheres, within the companies and organisations subject to supervision. It also widens the scope of the debate to include nuclear safety and radiation protection projects and prospects.
The report and its summary are sent to many of ASN's partners abroad, notably the nuclear safety authorities of various countries. Since 1996, the report has been translated into English to further exchanges between nuclear safety authorities and inform all foreign stakeholders in the nuclear safety and radiation protection sector.

Published on 26/06/2024

ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023

The safety level of the nuclear facilities was satisfactory in 2023, with less pressure on the “fuel cycle” facilities than in 2022 and with implementation by EDF of a strategy that ASN considered to be appropriate for dealing with and remedying the stress corrosion phenomenon that had appeared on some of its reactors. Radiation protection performance remained at a good level despite an increase in the number of level 2 significant events in the medical sector. This mixed picture recalls the importance of conducting radiotherapy risk assessments.

Published on 03/08/2023

ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2022

In 2022, the level of safety in the nuclear installations remained at a satisfactory level, as did radiation protection in the industrial, medical and radioactive substances transport sectors.
However, the year 2022 was marked by issues in the nuclear installations hitherto never encountered, as well as by a period of intense heatwave.
These events once again highlighted the need to maintain safety margins and to anticipate the challenges ahead, including dealing with exceptional situations linked to climate change.

Published on 07/07/2022

ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021

In 2021, the safety of nuclear facilities and radiation protection in the medical, industrial and radioactive substances transport sectors remained at a satisfactory level, in line with the level observed in 2021.
What are most striking about 2021, in particular its second part, are the industrial vulnerabilities affecting all nuclear facilities and the debate concerning energy policy choices and the position of nuclear power in these choices.
See all the ASN's annual reports

Les cahiers de l’ASNR brochure

The first issue of Les cahiers de l’ASNR brochure was published in September 2018. This new collection is part of a pedagogical information approach on topics related to nuclear safety and radiation protection.
This brochure is also distributed in forums, trade shows, public meetings and among stakeholders.

Published on 23/08/2024

Les cahiers de l'ASN #06 - Radioactive Waste

Nuclear power is a major source of energy in a large number of countries. In France, it accounts for more than 70% of all the electricity produced. Although nuclear production of electricity emits very little in terms of greenhouse gases, it does have other environmental implications, such as radioactive waste.

Published on 26/06/2024

Les cahiers de l'ASN #05 - 1300 MWe Nuclear Reactors Operation beyond 40 years

In France, 20 nuclear reactors with a power of 1,300 MWe, spread over 8 sites, will reach their 40th year of operation within the next few years. On this occasion, these reactors will undergo a periodic safety review*, which will be able to define the conditions that will determine their continued operation for a further 10 years.

Published on 24/06/2024

Les cahiers Histoire de l'ASN #01

This first issue of “Les Cahiers Histoire de l'ASN” is devoted to the subject of “nuclear accidents”. Although some nuclear accidents are well known, to the extent moreover that the name of the site is now part of everyday language, others represent distant memories or have been completely forgotten. This is the case with two accidents at Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux described in this issue. We have a duty to build up a collective memory that can be used by future generations.
See all the Les cahiers de l’ASN brochure

Regulatory Updates Newsletter

Regulatory Updates is the monthly newsletter of the French Nuclear Safety Authority. It keeps you informed on ASN national and international activities as well as on the current events of the nuclear installations under its control.
It is regularly distributed to ASN counterparts at international meetings.
You can find the latest copy of Regulatory Updates and its publication history in this section.

See all the regulatory updates newsletter

Contrôle review

See all the Contrôle review

Other ASN reports

Published on 19/09/2013

French National Plan for the Management of Radioactive Materials and Waste for 2013-2015

The National Radioactive Materials and Waste Management Plan (PNGMDR) is a key tool in ensuring the long-term implementation of the principles laid down in the Programme Act of 28th June 2006 concerning the sustainable management of radioactive materials and waste. It aims primarily to produce a regular picture of radioactive substances management policy, to evaluate new requirements and to determine the objectives to be met in the future, particularly with regard to studies and research. Its validity was confirmed at a European level, by the adoption on 19th July 2011 of the directive establishing a community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.
See all the other ASN reports

Publications for the professionals

ASN Guides

  • ASN Guide No. 1 - Safety Guide concerning the disposal of radioactive waste in a deep geological formation (february 2008)
  • ASN Guide No. 13 - Protection of Basic Nuclear Installations against external flooding (january 2013)
  • ASN Guide No. 15 - Control of Activities in the Vicinity of Basic Nuclear Installations
  • ASN Guide No. 21 - Processing conformity deviations with respect to specified requirements for elements important for protection (EIP) (january 2015)
  • ASN Guide No. 23 - Drafting and modification of the waste zoning plan for BNIs
  • ASN Guide No. 28 - Qualification of scientific computing tools used in the nuclear safety case - 1st barrier
  • ASN Guide No. 34 - Implementation of the regulatory requirements applicable to on-site transport operations
  • Guide to the declaration procedure and coding system for criteria concerning significant events related to safety, radiation protection or the environment, applicable to basic nuclear installations and the transport of radioactive materials. (octobre 2005)

Transport of radioactive materials

  • ASN Guide No. 7 - Applicant's guide related to applications for shipment approval and certificate of package design or radioactive materials for civil usage transported by public roads, by water or by rail (july 2009)
  • ASN Guide No. 17 - Contents of management plans for incidents and accidents involving the transport of radioactive substances (december 2014)
  • ASN Guide No. 27 – Stowage of radioactive packages, materials or objects for transportation (November 2016)
  • ASN Guide No. 29 - Radiation Protection in Radioactive Substance Transport Activities (July 2023)
  • ASN Guide No. 31 - Procedures for notification of events concerning the transport of radioactive materials on the terrestrial public highway, by sea or by air (april 2017)
  • ASN Guide No. 44 - Quality management system applicable to the transport of radioactive substances on public highways (update July 2023)
  • Filling-out of orange-coloured plates for the transport of radioactive substances(December 2017)

Decommissioning and remediation

  • ASN Guide No. 6 - Final shutdown, decommissioning and delicensing of basic nuclear installations in France (August 2016)
  • ASN Guide No. 14 - Complete post-operational clean out methodologies acceptable in basic nuclear installations in France (August 2016)
  • ASN Guide No. 24 - Management of soils contaminated by the activities of a basic nuclear installations in France (August 2016)INES Scale
  • Guide to the declaration procedure and coding system for criteria  concerning significant events related to safety, radiation protection or the environment, applicable to basic nuclear installations and the transport of radioactive materials.


  • ASN Guide No. 4 - Guide to risk self-assessment in external beam radiotherapy (january 2009)
  • ASN Guide No. 5 - Management guidelines for safety and quality in radiotherapy (april 2009)
  • ASN Guide No. 11 - Significant radiation protection events (excluding BNIs and radioactive material transport operations): notification and codification of criteria
  • ASN Guide No. 16 - Significant radiation protection events affecting patients in radiotherapy (criterion 2.1): notification and ASN-SFRO scale rating (octobre 2010)
  • ASN Guide No. 32 - In vivo nuclear medicine facilities: minimum technical design, operating and maintenance rules

Equipment suppliers and subcontractors

Newsletter for medical professionnals

Patient safety - Paving the way for progress

Experience feedback- Focus on an event notified to ASN 

In radiotherapy

In imaging

ASN/SFPM Recommendations for Medical Physics Personnel

Newsletter for nuclear medecine professionnals

  • ASN recommendationsconcerning the handling of radiopharmaceuticals and the administration of MRP to patients (july 2016)
