ASN Guide No. 16 - Significant radiation protection events affecting patients in radiotherapy: notification and ASN-SFRO scale rating
For professionals
The system for notifying significant radiation protection events (ESR) affecting patients was put in place in July 2007 The obligations incumbent on those responsible for a nuclear activity, particularly with regard to informing ASN (Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire), the French nuclear regulator, about the incidents or accidents in the field of radiation protection, are specified in the Public Health Code. In effect, the Public Health Code stipulates in its Article L. 1333-3 that the "person/entity responsible for one of the activities mentioned in Article L. 1333-1 is obliged to notify ASN and the State representative in the département without delay of any incident or accident that could jeopardise the health of persons through exposure to ionising radiation.
Version of 17/07/2015
Date of last update : 04/06/2024