ASN Guide No. 11 - Significant radiation protection events (excluding BNIs and radioactive material transport operations): notification and codification of criteria
For professionals
This guide details the measures applicable by those responsible for a nuclear activity with regard to the procedures for notifying significant events that concern radiation protection.
It does not under any circumstances substitute for the other obligations that may result from application of the Labour Code, the Public Health Code, the Environment Code or any other regulations. More specifically it does not substitute for the provisions set out for the protection of workers, the general public and patients, or for monitoring the safety of use of health products (safety oversight).
The "nuclear activities" concerned by this guide are defined in Article 1333-1 of the Public Health Code. These are "activities involving a risk of human exposure to ionising radiation [ …] emitted either from an artificial source, whether a substance or a device, or a natural source, when natural radionuclides are or have been processed because of their radioactive, fissile or fertile properties, as well as the actions taken to prevent or reduce a radiological risk further to an accident or contamination of the environment".
However, this guide does not cover:
- significant events occurring in basic nuclear installations or during the transport of radioactive materials, notified under Article 54 of the Act of 13 June 2006 (these activities are covered by a specific guide dated 21/10/2005 which has been applicable since 01/01/2006);
- the procedures to be followed by the operators of landfill sites, waste incineration facilities, scrap metal collection sites and foundries in the event of activation of radiation portal monitors, as these are governed by specific provisions.
Case of an accident situation in which the public authorities' resources could be called upon to mitigate the consequences: such situations are governed by the provisions concerning the emergency situation management organisation that could be activated should an incident lead to the deployment of a contingency plan (interministerial directives on the action of the public authorities in the event of an radiological emergency situation and Articles R. 1333-75 et seq. of the Public Health Code)4. Priority must be given to complying with these provisions. Nevertheless, this does not exempt the person/entity responsible for the nuclear activity from notifying ASN in accordance with the procedures recommended in this guide.
Date of last update : 04/06/2024