Oversight of the Flamanville EPR reactor

ASN is responsible for oversight of basic nuclear installations (BNI) from design up to decommissioning. It is more specifically monitoring the start-up of the EPR reactor (BNI 167) currently in progress at Flamanville.

The EPR reactor is a pressurised water reactor (PWR) whose design meets more stringent safety objectives than the reactors previously built in France.

View of the Flamanville EPR NPP from the sea - © Mickael Clemenceau photographer

Background and current situation:

Following issue of the creation authorisation decree and the building permit, construction of the Flamanville 3 reactor began in September 2007 and was completed in early 2024. ASN monitored this construction phase by means of nearly 600 inspections. At the same time, ASN reviewed the reactor commissioning authorisation application, analysed the issues encountered during equipment manufacturing, construction and testing, and assessed the results of the start-up tests. At the end of the construction worksite, ASN carried out detailed monitoring of the preparations by the future licensee. In 2020 ASN authorised the arrival of fuel on the site (partial commissioning) and, in May 2024, the introduction of fuel into the reactor vessel (commissioning).

Main steps following commissioning of the Flamanville EPR reactor

Performance of the start-up tests

The start-up tests contribute to verification of the conformity of the installation once it has been built. In its resolution of 7 May 2013, and then in its commissioning resolution of 7 May 2024, ASN issued a number of prescriptions regulating the preparation for and performance of these tests for the Flamanville EPR reactor.

After loading the nuclear fuel into the reactor, EDF initiated a pre-critical tests phase, in other words, without triggering the nuclear chain reaction. The licensee will then proceed with reactor divergence, that is the initiation of the nuclear chain reaction process, with a gradual increase in reactor power, so that the installation’s start-up tests can be carried out.

With the support of IRSN, ASN reviewed this test programme, along with the conditions in which it is to be carried out in order to ensure the safety of the installation.

Steps requiring ASN approval

During the tests phase, several milestones will require ASN approval.

In accordance with technical prescription [INB167-73] of the commissioning authorisation, EDF sent ASN a file before reaching the temperature of 110 °C[1] in the main primary system. This file notably listed the operations carried out by EDF on the main primary system and the main secondary systems and described the results of the checks it carried out on the equipment.

Reactor divergence requires approval from ASN (see technical prescription [INB167-74] of the commissioning authorisation). Prior to reactor divergence, EDF will send ASN a file, the contents of which are specified by technical prescription [INB167-75]. This prescription subjects the Flamanville EPR reactor to the same requirements as those applicable to the restart of the other EDF reactors in operation.

Timeline of the start-up of the Flamanville EPR reactor

Two hold points are defined for the start-up tests after divergence of the Flamanville EPR reactor:

  • continuation of the start-up tests at a power more than 25% of the rated power, subject to ASN prior approval (see technical prescription [INB167-178]). The main purpose of this hold point is to check the calibration of the reactor protection system. The data to be transmitted in order to lift this hold point are defined in technical prescription [INB167-78].
  • continuation of the start-up tests at a power more than 80% of the rated power is also subject to prior ASN approval (see technical prescription [INB167-79]). At this stage, a large part of the start-up test programme will have been completed and the results obtained will make it possible to check the installation’s conformity with its safety case.

ASN oversight

In addition to the steps requiring its approval, ASN reviews the test results and any significant events that may have occurred.

At the same time, ASN defined a specific inspection program to monitor reactor start-up. For example, it carried out or will be carrying out inspections relating to fuel handling, reactor loading, reactor divergence and performance of the test programme at power. ASN also checks the conditions for EDF operation of the reactor during the start-up phase.

ASN will then implement the thematic inspection programme which it carries out on all the EDF reactors in operation.

[1] According to the regulations this temperature corresponds to commissioning of these systems.

ASN’s supervision of the Flamanville-3 reactor (EPR) : News

Read the newsletters about the supervision of the Flamanville-3 reactor (EPR).

Published on 19/07/2024 at 14:30

EPR Reactor: Information Letter n°25

In late 2023 and early 2024, ASN continued its monitoring of the construction of the Flamanville EPR reactor. It notably checked: the preparation for and performance of hot testing at the end of 2023, to verify the ability of the systems to perform their safety functions during hot operation of the reactor, prior to commissioning, preparedness of the teams who will be operating the reactor, prior to commissioning, the conformity of the nuclear pressure equipment, which notably includes completion of the quality review, the processing of the irregularities affecting certain equipment, and equipment conservation, completion of the installation before commissioning, whether in terms of works, processing of anomalies and start-up tests, with detailed monitoring of the progress of these actions, up until reactor commissioning, the start-up operations following commissioning, notably loading of fuel into the reactor vessel and analysis of the experience feedback from the significant events reported.

Published on 28/08/2023 at 14:31

EPR Reactor: Information Letter n°24

In 2022 and in the first half of 2023, ASN continued with its monitoring of the construction of the Flamanville EPR reactor. It was particularly vigilant with regard to the treatment of the deviations detected on the main primary and secondary system welds and to the correct operation of the filtration function of the safety injection system (SIS). It continued to examine the installation start-up tests and the correct operation of the primary system protection valves.

Published on 26/11/2021 at 10:29

EPR Reactor: Information Letter n°23

ASN continued its monitoring of the construction of the Flamanville EPR reactor. In 2020 and 2021, it was particularly vigilant regarding the processing of the anomalies detected on the main primary and secondary system welds and the continuation of the reactor start-up tests. ASN also authorised partial commissioning of the installation to allow nuclear fuel to enter the site, starting on 26 October 2020 and ending on 24 June 2021. A look back at these notable events.
See all the information letters

Anomaly affecting the Flamanville EPR reactor vessel

Published on 25/01/2018 at 17:08

Creusot Forge plant: production to resume

ASN informed Framatome and EDF that it considers that the steps taken at the Creusot Forge plant allow the production of components intended for French nuclear facilities to resume under certain conditions, more particularly, the surveillance of the activities.

Published on 11/10/2017 at 16:05

Flamanville EPR reactor: ASN issues its opinion

On 10th October 2017, ASN issued its opinion on the anomaly in the steel used for the Flamanville EPR reactor pressure vessel lower head and closure head. ASN considers that this anomaly is not such as to compromise the commissioning of the reactor pressure vessel, provided that specific checks are carried out during operation of the installation. As the feasibility of these checks cannot at present be confirmed for the closure head, ASN considers that the current closure head cannot be used beyond 2024.

Published on 28/06/2017 at 16:00

ASN presents its position regarding the Flamanville EPR reactor vessel anomaly

On 28th June 2017, ASN presented its position regarding the Flamanville EPR reactor pressure vessel anomaly. ASN relied on the analysis of the files transmitted by Areva NP and EDF, carried out by its nuclear pressure equipment department and its technical support organisation IRSN, and on the opinion of its Advisory Committee for nuclear pressure equipment.
See all the news


References concerning the Flamanville-3 EPR reactor

Published on 28/02/2014


Decision N° 2013-DC-0347 by the ASN of 7 May 2013

Decision N°. 2013-DC-0347 by the French Nuclear Safety Authority of 7 May 2013 setting out requirements to be met by Électricité de France – Société anonyme (EDF SA) at Flamanville nuclear site (Manche) for the Flamanville 3 reactor (INB No. 167) commissioning tests, amending Decision N°. 2008-DC-0114 by the French Nuclear Safety Authority setting out specific requirements to be met by Électricité de France – Société anonyme (EDF-SA) at the Flamanville nuclear site regarding the design and construction of the Flamanville-3 (INB No. 167) reactor and the operation of Flamanville-1 (INB No. 108) and Flamanville-2 (INB No. 109) reactors

Published on 28/02/2014


Decision N° 2008-DC-0114 by the ASN of 26 September 2008

Decision No. 2008-DC-0114 of 26 September 2008 by the French Nuclear Safety Authority setting Forth Specific Requirementsto Be Met by Électricité de France – Société anonyme (EDF-SA) at the Flamanville Nuclear site Regarding the Design and Construction of the Flamanville-3 (INB No. 167) NPPand the Operation of Flamanville-1 (INB No. 108) and Flamanville-2 (INB No. 109) NPPs

Published on 28/02/2014


Decree 2007-1557 of 2 November 2007

Decree 2007-1557 of 2 November 2007 concerning basic nuclear installations and the supervision of the transport of radioactive materials with respect to nuclear safety
See all the references