ASN Guides (non-binding)

22 publications

Published on 08/08/2023

ASN Guide No. 44

This document is intended for professionals involved in radioactive substance transport operations. It details ASN's expectations regarding the content of a quality management system (formerly called "management system") required by the regulations, its maintenance and its implementation.
Updated version of 06/07/2023.

Published on 10/02/2020

ASN Guide No. 32

Following the approval of ASN Resolution 2014-DC-0463 of 23 October 2014 setting the minimum technical design, operating and maintenance rules for in vivo nuclear medicine facilities, by the Order of 16 January 2015, this document aims to present in detail the articles of the abovementioned Resolution and this revision provides the opportunity to gives some details further to operating experience feedback and the IRSN referrals on different points.

Published on 28/03/2018

ASN Guide No. 29

Radiation protection in radioactive substance transport activities (updated version of 06/07/2023).

Published on 26/06/2017

ASN Guide No. 34

The internal transport operations of dangerous goods conducted on the private roadways of a nuclear site, that is to say a site accommodating one basic nuclear installation (BNI) or more, are generally not subject to the regulations applicable to the transport of dangerous goods on the public highway.

Published on 23/04/2017

ASN Guide No. 31

Procedures for notification of events concerning the transport of radioactive materials on the terrestrial public highway, by sea or by air

Published on 29/11/2016

ASN Guide No. 27

Secure stowage of packages is an important aspect of the defense in depth approach which serves to ensure the safety of transport operations.

Published on 30/08/2016

ASN Guide No. 23

The purpose of this guide is to explain the conditions for drafting and modification of the waste zoning plan mentioned in article 6.3 of the order of 7th February 2012 [5]. It implements the requirements of Title III of ASN resolution 2015-DC-0508 of 21st April 2015 concerning the waste management study and the inventory of waste produced in the BNIs [7] and presents how they are to be implemented.

Published on 29/08/2016

ASN Guide No. 6

Final shutdown, decommissioning and delicensing of basic nuclear installations in France

Published on 29/08/2016

ASN Guide No. 14

Complete post-operational clean out methodologies acceptable in basic nuclear installations in France

Published on 29/08/2016

ASN Guide No. 24

Management of soils contaminated by the activities of a basic nuclear installations in France

Published on 23/03/2016

ASN Guide No. 15

This guide formalises the national doctrine of ASN for the control of activities in the vicinity of BNIs and presents the instruments aiming to limit the presence and growth of populations exposed to nuclear risks.

Published on 17/07/2015

ASN Guide No. 16

The system for notifying significant radiation protection events (ESR) affecting patients was put in place in July 2007 The obligations incumbent on those responsible for a nuclear activity, particularly with regard to informing ASN (Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire), the French nuclear regulator, about the incidents or accidents in the field of radiation protection, are specified in the Public Health Code.

Published on 01/07/2015

ASN Guide No. 11

This guide details the measures applicable by those responsible for a nuclear activity with regard to the procedures for notifying significant events that concern radiation protection.
It does not under any circumstances substitute for the other obligations that may result from application of the Labour Code, the Public Health Code, the Environment Code or any other regulations. More specifically it does not substitute for the provisions set out for the protection of workers, the general public and patients, or for monitoring the safety of use of health products (safety oversight).

Published on 06/01/2015

ASN Guide No. 21

Article 1.3 of the order of 7th February 2012 defines the notion of deviation, and sets out in chapter VI of part II the general provisions concerning the management of deviations.