ASN Guide No. 21 - Processing conformity deviations with respect to specified requirements for elements important for protection

Published on 06/01/2015

For professionals

ASN Guide No. 21 - Processing conformity deviations with respect to specified requirements for elements important for protection

Article 1.3 of the order of 7th February 2012 defines the notion of deviation, and sets out in chapter VI of part II the general provisions concerning the management of deviations.

The purpose of this guide is to clarify certain general provisions for the management of deviations. It establishes recommendations on the actions to be carried out by the nuclear power reactor licensee following the detection of a particular category of deviation* of which the characteristics are defined below.

This guide does not prejudge any more stringent ASN requirements or prescriptions concerning deviations whose implications might be judged particularly significant, or for other types of deviations.

ASN Guide No. 21 - Processing conformity deviations with respect to specified requirements for elements important for protection.pdf (PDF - 322.23 Ko )

Date of last update : 04/06/2024