Dosimetric References of the Radionuclide Handbook

Published on 26/06/2024

For professionals

The committed effective dose resulting from internal exposure is calculated using the effective dose values per incorporated unit of activity  (in Sv/Bq) defined by the Order of 16 November 2023 defining the methods of calculating the effective doses and equivalent doses resulting from the exposure of persons to ionising radiation (

The committed effective dose resulting from internal exposure is calculated using the effective dose values per incorporated unit of activity  (in Sv/Bq) defined by the Order of 16 November 2023 defining the methods of calculating the effective doses and equivalent doses resulting from the exposure of persons to ionising radiation (

These values depend on the incorporated radionuclide, its physical-chemical form, the contamination route (ingestion or inhalation), the type of person exposed (public, young workers up to 18 years of age or adult workers) and for a person of the public, in the same age categories.

To have all the dose coefficients per age category for the public and workers with all the physical-chemical forms, refer to the abovementioned Order of 16 November 2023.

  • Engaged effective doses per unit of activity incorporated by ingestion, in sievert per becquerel, applicable to the public and to young workers aged up to 18 years (except daughter products of radon 222 and radon 220): see table 1.1 of the abovementioned Order of 16 November 2023 ;
  • Engaged effective doses per unit of activity incorporated by inhalation of aerosols, in sievert per becquerel, applicable to the public and to young workers aged up to 18 years (except daughter products of radon 222 and radon 220): see table 1.2 of the abovementioned Order of 16 November 2023 [1] ;
  • Engaged effective doses per unit of activity incorporated by inhalation of soluble or reactive gases and vapours, in sievert per becquerel, applicable to the public and to young workers aged up to 18 years: see table 2.1. of the abovementioned Order of 16 November 2023 ;
  • Effective dose coefficients, in effective dose per day of exposure and per unit of activity concentration in the air, applicable to the public and to workers exposed to inert gases: see table 2.2.  of the abovementioned Order of 16 November 2023 ;
  • Committed effective doses per unit of activity incorporated by ingestion, in sievert per becquerel, applicable to exposed workers: see table 3.1 of the abovementioned Order of 16 November 2023 [2] ;
  • Committed effective doses per unit of activity incorporated by inhalation, in sievert per becquerel, applicable to exposed workers: see table 3.2 of the abovementioned Order of 16 November 2023 [3].


[1] The types of pulmonary absorption are related to the chemical form of the element in question. The type of pulmonary absorption recommended to be used by default in the absence of any precise information on the chemical form of the radionuclide, is indicated in this table for 31 elements. For the other 60 elements, the types of pulmonary absorption recommended to be used by default are indicated in table 3.2.

[2] The values are accompanied by a description of the corresponding chemical forms when such forms have been identified. The caption "Non-specified compounds" means that in the absence of specific information on the chemical form, the dose coefficient relative to that caption can be used by default.

[3] The dose coefficients applicable to aerosols are given for all the radionuclides and for the gases or vapours if they exist. The aerosols and gases are designated by a type of pulmonary absorption accompanied by a description of the chemical forms corresponding to the element. The caption "No particular chemical form assigned" means that no chemical form of the element has been identified as belonging to this type of pulmonary absorption. The caption "Non-specified compounds" means that in the absence of specific information, the type of pulmonary absorption indicated beneath this caption can be used by default.


Date of last update : 01/07/2024