ASN gives its approval for the divergence of the Flamanville EPR reactor

Published on 03/09/2024 at 09:45

Information notice

In a resolution of 2 September 2024, ASN authorised the launch of divergence operations on the Flamanville EPR reactor. This allows EDF to begin operations to start the nuclear chain reaction in the reactor, known as "divergence".

This agreement is provided for in the authorisation to commission the reactor issued by ASN on 7 May 2024. It is similar in principle to those issued by the ASN before each restart of a nuclear power reactor after a maintenance outage.

On 30 August 2024, EDF sent ASN the information required to issue this agreement, in particular the results of the installation tests carried out since the commissioning authorisation.

ASN has carried out several inspections of the reactor since it was commissioned. It has also analysed the significant events reported by EDF and the corrective actions implemented.

The examination of EDF's request and the checks carried out by ASN did not reveal any factor likely to call into question EDF's ability to diverge the reactor.

ASN will monitor the subsequent stages of the reactor's start-up, until it reaches its rated power. In particular, EDF will have to seek the agreement of ASN to go through certain stages of the reactor's ramp-up.

To find out more:

Published on 02/09/2024


Décision n° CODEP-CAE-047644 du Président de l’ASN du 2 septembre 2024

Décision n° CODEP-CAE-047644 du Président de l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire du 2 septembre 2024 donnant accord à EDF pour procéder aux premières opérations de recherche de criticité puis de première divergence du réacteur n° 3 de la centrale nucléaire de Flamanville (INB n° 167).

Published on 08/05/2024 at 13:45

ASN authorise commissioning of the Flamanville EPR reactor

In a resolution of 7 May 2024, ASN authorised commissioning of the Flamanville EPR reactor. This authorisation allows EDF to load nuclear fuel into the reactor and carry out start-up tests, followed by operation of the reactor.
Main steps following commissioning of the Flamanville EPR reactor:


Date of last update : 03/09/2024