ASN issues its opinion on the safety options for the EPR New model reactor and its EPR 2 upgrade

Published on 29/07/2019 at 11:38

Information notice

ASN issues its opinion on the safety options file for the EPR New Model (NM) reactor project, for which the new technical configuration is called EPR 2. ASN considers that the general safety objectives, the safety baseline requirements and the main design options are on the whole satisfactory.

The ASN opinion identifies the subjects requiring further examination with a view to a possible reactor creation authorisation application. Additional demonstrations are more specifically required with regard to the break preclusion approach for the main primary and secondary system piping, the approach for dealing with hazards, notably fire and explosion, and the design choices for certain safety systems. In any reactor creation authorisation application, EDF will therefore have to specify the additional studies and demonstrations provided in response to this opinion, along with any resulting changes to the safety options.

The EPR 2 reactor is a pressurised water nuclear reactor project being developed by EDF and Framatome. It meets the general safety objectives of the third generation of reactors; its aim is to incorporate design, construction and commissioning experience feedback from the EPR[1] reactors as well as operating experience feedback from the nuclear reactors currently in service.

To date, EDF has not identified a site for this reactor project. For the design of the reactor, EDF has adopted hypothesis chosen in order to cover a range of sites liable to host such a reactor in France.

ASN reviewed the safety options dossier with the help of the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN). It took account of the recommendations of ASN guide n° 22 relative to the design of pressurised water reactors. In January 2018, ASN also obtained the opinion of the Advisory Committee for reactors (GPR) on this project.

ASN got observations from the public on the EDF dossier and on a draft opinion between 13th May and 2nd June 2019.

To find out more (in french):

Published on 18/07/2019


Avis n° 2019-AV-0329 de l’ASN du 16 juillet 2019

Avis n° 2019-AV-0329 de l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire du 16 juillet 2019 relatif au dossier d’options de sûreté présenté par EDF pour le projet de réacteur EPR nouveau modèle (EPR NM) et à son évolution de configuration EPR 2

Consultation of 12/05/2019 to 02/06/2019

Réacteur EPR 2 (ou EPR NM) Réacteurs de 1600 MWe

EPR nouveau modèle

L’ASN soumet à la consultation du public son projet d’avis sur le projet de réacteur EPR NM (nouveau modèle). Elle met également à la disposition du public le dossier d’options de sûreté du réacteur établi par EDF.


1 contributions

[1] EPR reactors are currently under construction or in service at Flamanville (France), Olkiluoto (Finland), Taishan (China) and Hinkley Point (United Kingdom).

Date of last update : 08/11/2022