ASN oversees the continued operation of basic nuclear installation 149, called the Aube Repository (CSA), operated by Andra, further to the conclusions of its periodic safety review

Published on 07/10/2022 at 15:34

Information notice

ASN analysed the periodic safety review concluding report (RCR) for basic nuclear installation (BNI) 149 called the Aube Repository (CSA), operated by the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra) on the SoulainesDhuys site (Aube département). This facility has a disposal capacity of one million cubic metres (m3) of low and intermediate-level, short-lived waste (LL/ILW-SL).

The purpose of the periodic safety review is, on the one hand, to verify the conformity of the facility, to ensure that it correctly follows all rules applicable to it and, on the other, to improve its level of safety taking account of changing requirements, practices and knowledge in terms of nuclear safety and radiation protection, as well as national and international operating experience feedback.

Article L. 593-18 of the Environment Code requires that the licensee conduct such a review every ten years, following which ASN communicates the results of its analysis to the Minister responsible for nuclear safety and may issue a resolution setting binding requirements for continued operation of the facility.

The periodic safety review concluding report for BNI 149 was submitted by CEA on 4 August 2016. These conclusions were examined by ASN, with the support of IRSN. During this examination, Andra undertook to implement improvements notably concerning the reinforcement of the operating buildings with regard to the seismic risk. In addition to this analysis, ASN conducted an inspection on the safety review on 1 and 2 June 2017, which revealed the implementation of a rigorous and dynamic approach.

Following examination of this report, ASN considers that the provisions proposed by Andra to manage risks and detrimental effects are pertinent. It underlines the overall quality of this periodic safety review file, the licensee’s good organisation and its commitment to carrying out the various phases associated with the periodic safety review process, as well as the content of the action plan adopted by the licensee, the implementation of which has been initiated without delay.

In the light of the potential consequences associated with the long term phases following closure of the site, ASN considers that the studies concerning the hydrogeology of the site, the long-term impact of the repository on the environment and the performance of its future cover should be further in-depth.

Continued operation of BNI 149 is therefore subject to the binding requirements defined in the ASN resolution of 25 July 2022.

The concluding report for the next periodic safety review of BNI 149 shall be submitted before 3 August 2026.

To find out more:

Published on 22/08/2022


Décision n° CODEP-CLG-2022-006731 du Président de l’ASN du 25 juillet 2022

Décision n° CODEP-CLG-2022-006731 du Président de l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire du 25 juillet 2022 fixant a l’Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs (Andra) des prescriptions complémentaires applicables au Centre de stockage de l'Aube INB n°149, au vu des conclusions de son réexamen périodique.

Réexamens périodiques

Date of last update : 07/11/2022