The ASN Commission gave EDF a hearing on the draft resolutions to regulate the decommissioning of the first generation gas-cooled reactors
Information notice
On 12 February 2019, the ASN Commission gave EDF a hearing so that the licensee could make its observations on the draft resolutions to regulate the decommissioning of six gas-cooled reactors, which have been shut down for about thirty years.
This hearing follows on from that of 30 June 20171, at which EDF had presented the main data to justify the modification of its gas-cooled reactor decommissioning strategy. ASN examined the files justifying this strategy, transmitted by EDF in 2017 and carried out an inspection on this topic.
ASN envisages issuing a position statement on this strategy, more specifically setting deadlines by which EDF must submit the decommissioning files and dates for performance of decommissioning operations which are earlier than those requested by EDF.
ASN sent the draft requirements to EDF, which had a period of two months in which to submit its observations, in accordance with the regulations. EDF then expressed the desire to be given a hearing by ASN. During the hearing, EDF undertook to rapidly forward additional data justifying the choice of the “first off” reactor and the time needed for the reactors decommissioning operations to benefit from the lessons learned from the operations on the first reactor to be decommissioned.
On receipt of these data and further to their examination, ASN will consult the public on its draft resolutions.
1. The previous EDF hearing on this issue was held on 29 March 2016 (Consult the information notice published by ASN on this matter in English).
To find out more (in French)
- Consult the information notice published by ASN concerning the EDF hearing of 30 June 2017 on the new decommissioning strategy for the gas-cooled reactors
- Consult the information file concerning delays in the decommissioning of the fleet of first generation EDF reactors
- Consult the information notice on the hearing in 2016
- Consult the follow-up letter to the ASN inspection of 14 December 2017
Date of last update : 03/09/2021