Flamanville NPP 1 and 2: ASN places the site under reinforced surveillance
Information notice
ASN has decided to place the Flamanville NPP under reinforced surveillance in the light of the difficulties encountered by EDF on this NPP since mid-2018.
On 4 July 2019, the ASN Director General summoned the Director of the Flamanville 1 and 2 NPP to a hearing and asked him to submit an action plan to reinforce the management and oversight of operational activities. He notably underlined deficiencies in the technical skills involved in certain operational activities, the high number of significant events linked to maintenance defects and contractor oversight shortcomings, poor management of certain maintenance operations and the inadequate quality of the documents transmitted to him for the ten-yearly outage inspection of reactor 1.
The reinforced surveillance decided on by ASN will notably entail additional checks, with particular attention being paid to the implementation of the action plan defined by EDF following the summons issued to the NPP Director. By means of inspections, ASN will regularly check the effectiveness of the improvement steps taken by EDF.
Three topics will be subject to particularly close examination:
- management of maintenance and operating activities and the corresponding documentation;
- management of operating experience feedback, in particular the reporting of significant events to ASN;
- EDF’s oversight of safety and the priority given to safety issues in the decision-making process.
The Flamanville NPP comprises two 1300 MWe reactors, commissioned in 1985 and 1986. Reactor 2 is currently shut down for its third ten-yearly outage inspection. Reactor 3, which is an EPR currently under construction on the same site, is not concerned by this reinforced surveillance process.
Two EDF NPPs are currently placed under reinforced surveillance by ASN: Belleville-sur-Loire and Flamanville 1 and 2.
To find out more (in french):
Date of last update : 08/11/2022