Review of manufacturing files for components produced on the Le Creusot sites: ASN makes restart of the EDF reactors dependent on the transmission of specific results

Published on 20/09/2017 at 10:15

Information notice

Areva Creusot Forge plant

Following the detection of an anomaly on the Flamanville EPR reactor pressure vessel in 2014, ASN asked Areva NP to conduct a manufacturing quality review in its Creusot Forge plant (Saône-et-Loire département), which revealed the existence of irregularities in certain manufacturing files.

The first investigations carried out on these files in 2016 identified 89 irregularities concerning EDF reactors in operation. ASN asked EDF to extend the review to all the manufacturing files for components forged in this plant.

The purpose of this extended review was to detect any deviation from either the technical baseline requirements chosen by the manufacturer, or the plant’s internal requirements, or from the contractual or regulatory requirements applicable at the time of manufacture. This review will continue until 31st December 2018.

Starting in July 2017, EDF transmitted the results of the manufacturing file reviews for twelve reactors (Chooz B2, Paluel 4, Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux B2, Penly 1, Cruas 3, Dampierre 3, Belleville 2, Tricastin 3, Chinon B3, Nogent 1, Gravelines 2 and Bugey 3) for which restart following a refuelling outage is scheduled between September and November 2017. At this stage, this review has led to the detection of 601 conformity deviations. ASN analyses the results transmitted by EDF before it authorises restart of these reactors.

For the other reactors, in its resolution 2017-DC-0604of 15th September 2017, ASN asked EDF to send it the results of the manufacturing file reviews no later than two months before the planned restart following the refuelling outage. ASN’s restart authorisation will depend on the results of its analysis.

ASN also asks EDF to extend the scope of the review to include cast (and not only forged) components, as well as other important – but non-nuclear – components manufactured on the Le Creusot sites and today installed on reactors in service.

To find out more (in french):

ASN resolution 2017-DC-0604

Published on 19/09/2017


Décision n° 2017-DC-0604 de l’ASN du 15 septembre 2017

Décision n° 2017-DC-0604 de l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire du 15 septembre 2017 prescrivant une revue de dossiers de fabrication de composants installés sur les réacteurs électronucléaires exploités par la société Électricité de France (EDF)

Public consultation page

Consultation of 15/08/2017 to 10/09/2017

Centrale nucléaire de Civaux Réacteurs de 1450 MWe

Revue des composants fabriqués par l’usine Creusot Forge Areva NP installés sur les réacteurs électronucléaires en exploitation

Areva NP a mis en évidence en 2016 des irrégularités dans certains dossiers de fabrication d’équipements sous pression nucléaires fabriqués par son usine Creusot Forge. Les premières investigations menées ont conduit Areva NP et EDF à lancer une revue de l’ensemble des dossiers de fabrication de cette usine à la fin de l’année 2016.


676 contributions

Summary of public consultation comments

Page compiling the information so far published by ASN concerning the irregularities detected in the Creusot Forge plant

Creusot Forge et les usines de Framatome

Consulter les notes d'information et les lettres de suite d'inspection relatives aux résultats des revues qualité dans les usines de fabrication de Framatome (ex AREVA NP) et aux irrégularités détectées chez Creusot Forge

Date of last update : 03/09/2021