News archives

All the latest news from the French Nuclear Safety Authority from 28 February 1999 to 2 January 2025.
The latest news from the French Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ASNR) is now published on the website.

479 news

Published on 10/10/2008 at 00:00

EPR Reactor Flamanville 3

In application of the Act on transparency and security in the nuclear field (TSN) of 13 June 2006, ASN defined by a decision of 26 September 2008 the prescriptions for the Flamanville 3 EPR reactor currently being built on the Flamanville site.

Published on 09/10/2008 at 00:00

Mafelec company: ASN to issue a report

ASN was notified on the evening of 7th October 2008 by the Isère prefecture of the presence of radiation emitted by lift buttons delivered by the company Mafelec. This company has approximately 200 employees.

Published on 02/10/2008 at 00:00

ASN evaluates the technical solution proposed by EDF ...

On 8 September 2008 during the fuel unloading operation on the Tricastin no. 2 reactor of the EDF nuclear power plant, two fuel assemblies remained stuck to the upper internal holding structures of the reactor vessel.

Published on 23/07/2008 at 00:00

The ASN maintains monitoring measures in the region of Tricastin

On the 21st of July 2008, ASN proposed to the Préfet of Vaucluse that restrictions on water use in the region of Tricastin imposed by the order of the Préfet of July 11 2008 could be lifted on condition that the SOCATRI licensee implements comprehensive provisions for the monitoring of surface and ground waters until the end of August 2008.

Published on 21/07/2008 at 00:00

Incident at Mafelec : ASN reclassifies the event to level 2

ASN was notified on 7th October 2008 by the Isère prefecture of a radiological protection incident that had occurred at Mafelec's Chimilin site relating to radiation emitted by lift buttons manufactured by the company.

Published on 18/07/2008 at 12:30

Rupture of an underground pipe of uranium liquid discharges

On July 17 2008 at 5 pm, the Franco-Belgian fuel manufacturing plant (FBFC), group AREVA-NP, located in Romans-sur-Isere in the French Drôme département, informed ASN of the rupture of an underground pipe of uranium liquid discharges.

Published on 17/07/2008 at 00:00

Spillage of uranium-bearing effluents into the environment (SOCATRI)

During the night of July 7 to 8 2008, an incident occurred at the site of the SOCATRI company. A tank of the Uranium-bearing Effluent Treatment Station (STEU) of the SOCATRI facility overflowed in its retention tank. This retention tank was not leakproof at that time and caused a pollution of the environment.