ASNR's annual reports

Every year, this report presents the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France. It also presents all ASN actions performed during the past year to supervise and improve the safety of French civil nuclear facilities and of the transport of radioactive materials, and to check and minimise exposure of workers, patients, the public and the environment to ionising radiation.
Since 2004, via the "ASN multiyear strategic plan", it also presents ASN's orientations and goals for the coming 3-year period.
This report, which is the fruit of collective analysis and synthesis work, in which all ASN entities take part, provides an annual record of the changes and difficulties encountered, in both the technical and organisational spheres, within the companies and organisations subject to supervision. It also widens the scope of the debate to include nuclear safety and radiation protection projects and prospects.
The report and its summary are sent to many of ASN's partners abroad, notably the nuclear safety authorities of various countries. Since 1996, the report has been translated into English to further exchanges between nuclear safety authorities and inform all foreign stakeholders in the nuclear safety and radiation protection sector.

18 publications

Published on 31/08/2008

Annual report 2008

After more than two years of application of the TSN Act, ASN has naturally been guided by the principles defined by the Act, but perhaps more significant is its successful implementation of a new way of working with high added value.

Published on 19/04/2008

Annual report : Nuclear safety and radiation protection in 2007

The Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) is an independent administrative authority created by the Act on transparency and security in the nuclear field (TSN) of 13 June 2006. It actually started functioning on 13 November 2006, the date on which the five members of the Commission that runs the authority took up their duties.