Contrôle review 124 - Bilateral international relations
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Since it was formed in 1973, the Safety Authority has been assigned international missions with the following objectives: — developing exchanges of information with counterparts in other countries, — making known the French approach and practices, — supplying the countries concerned with all relevant information on French nuclear installations located near their borders.
The following papers are intended to demonstrate, on the basis of examples, how bilateral relations can fulfil these objectives and also how the French Safety Authority has benefited and continues to benefit from foreign experience; a forthcoming issue of the review Contrôle will cover multilateral international relations. These examples are not intended to represent a comprehensive review of the relations that the Safety Authority maintains with more than twenty counterparts throughout the world, and I hope that those who are not mentioned will understand
André-Claude Lacoste
Director of the DSIN
(Direction de la sûreté des installations nucléaires)
Date of last update : 03/09/2021