Contrôle review No. 160: Research in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection
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Research is the driving force behind many advances in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection in various areas (industry, medicine, etc.). With regard to basic nuclear installations, an example worth mentioning is the research work which led to a better understanding of how core meltdown accidents occur and to the implementation of the appropriate countermeasures. Another example, in the field of medical radiology, is the development of equipments which significantly reduce the radiation doses received by the patients.
The Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) pays particular attention to the efforts made by the various French and international nuclear stakeholders in terms of research. Research, without which there can be no expertise, is indeed one of the major decision making tools to improve nuclear safety and radiation protection and consequently to improve protection of patients, the general public, workers and the environment against the risks of ionising radiation.
So if France wants to continue benefiting from a high level of nuclear safety and radiation protection, it must continue its research efforts in these fields.
I particularly consider that the IRSN, as public nuclear safety and radiation protection expert and as the ASN's technical support body, has a special role to play in enhancing knowledge in these fields and in providing the ASN with the latest data it needs to base its technical opinions.
In a difficult context for research in general, in which the nuclear industry - now facing competition, particularly internationally - is looking to reduce its costs, and at a time when public agencies are subject to budget restrictions as a result of the current economic context, I expect this issue of Contrôle to be an opportunity to take a close look at research into nuclear safety and radiation protection.
André-Claude LACOSTE
Director of the French nuclear safety authority
Date of last update : 03/09/2021