French report on the joint Convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management
For professionals

The Joint Convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management is supplementing the Convention on Nuclear Safety. It was approved by France on February 22, 2000 and it entered into force on June 18, 2001. This Convention obliges each Contracting Party to present at the review meetings (every three years) a report on the way in which it implements the obligations of the Convention. The French Nuclear Safety Authority ensured the co-ordination of this report, with contributions from other regulators and nuclear operators. It has been submitted to questions and presented to the peers in Vienna.
The Convention and additional information on the web site of the IAEA
- Full text of the convention :
The fourth report (2012)
The Fourth triennial meeting of the Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste (or Joint Convention) convened from 14 to 23 May 2012 in Vienna.
- Read information notice "ASN and DGEC publish the report on compliance by France with the Joint Convention obligations"
- Read the 4th report
- Read the questions and answers about the 4th report
Third review meeting of the Joint Convention (2009)
The Third Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties of the Joint Convention was held at the Headquarters of the IAEA in Vienna, Austria from 11 to 20 May 2009. Forty-five Contracting Parties participated in the Review Meeting, including five new Contracting Parties, i.e., China, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Senegal and South Africa.
The third report
This third report was distributed in October 2008 to all Contracting Parties
Contracting parties asked 213 questions on the French report
The French report was presented on May, 13th 2009 at the Headquarters of the IAEA in Vienna by the Director General of ASN, Mr Jean-Christophe Niel, with the participation of the Director General of ANDRA, Mrs Marie-Claude Dupuis.
Second review meeting of the Joint Convention (2006)
The review meeting of the Joint Convention convened from May 15 to 24, 2006 at the IAEA headquarters under the presidency of André-Claude Lacoste. Forty one countries are contracting parties to this convention, i.e. all the major nuclear countries except India, Pakistan and South Africa. It is to be noted, that between 2003 and 2006, 8 new countries have ratified this convention, among them China and Russia.
The second report
This second report was distributed in October 2005 to the other Contracting Parties
The second report was the subject of 181 questions
First review meeting of the Joint Convention (2004)
Date of last update : 03/09/2021