Decision N° 2013-DC-0347 by the ASN of 7 May 2013
Décisions de l'ASNR
Decision N°. 2013-DC-0347 by the French Nuclear Safety Authority of 7 May 2013 setting out requirements to be met by Électricité de France – Société anonyme (EDF SA) at Flamanville nuclear site (Manche) for the Flamanville 3 reactor (INB No. 167) commissioning tests, amending Decision N°. 2008-DC-0114 by the French Nuclear Safety Authority setting out specific requirements to be met by Électricité de France – Société anonyme (EDF-SA) at the Flamanville nuclear site regarding the design and construction of the Flamanville-3 (INB No. 167) reactor and the operation of Flamanville-1 (INB No. 108) and Flamanville-2 (INB No. 109) reactors
ASN+Decision+2013-DC-0347+of+7+May+2013+FLA3+commissioning+tests+EN.pdf (PDF - 149.02 Ko ) Date of last update : 03/09/2021This decision modifies / repeals the following decision: