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All the latest news from the French Nuclear Safety Authority from 28 February 1999 to 2 January 2025.
The latest news from the French Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ASNR) is now published on the website.

479 news

Published on 02/02/2015 at 14:00

Bordeaux: level 2 on the INES scale

On 14th October 2014, ASN was informed by Bordeaux CHU that the regulatory annual whole-body dose limit of 20 mSv was exceeded by an orthopaedic surgeon while using an interventional radiology device (image intensifier) in the operating theatre.

Published on 02/02/2015 at 10:00

ASN sets additional prescriptions for AREVA and CEA facilities and sites

Pursuant to the ASN resolutions of 5th May 2011, AREVA and CEA carried out stress tests on each of their facilities for which there are major potential safety issues, in order to take account of experience feedback from the Fukushima accident. The stress tests performed in Europe on the nuclear power reactors were, in France, extended to cover all basic nuclear installations, including fuel cycle and research facilities. The particular aim of the stress tests was to determine the safety margins that exist on these facilities with regard to extreme hazards such as earthquake and flooding.

Published on 15/01/2015 at 10:00

ASN sets the rules for the legacy waste retrieval and packaging operations in the La Hague facility

In its resolution 2014-DC-0472 of 9th December 2014, ASN issued prescriptions for AREVA concerning the legacy waste retrieval and packaging operations in the La Hague facility. This legacy radioactive waste , resulting from the activities of the UP2-400 reprocessing plant between 1966 and 1998, is currently stored in the La Hague facility in conditions that require retrieval and repackaging.

Published on 06/01/2015 at 15:50

Interventional Radiology Val de Saône Polyclinic in Mâcon

On 18th August 2014, ASN was informed by the Val de Saône Polyclinic in Mâcon (Saône-et-Loire department) that a private-sector surgeon working in the operating block had exceeded the regulatory annual whole body dose limit of 20 mSv.

Published on 28/11/2014 at 17:00

The French nuclear safety and radiation protection oversight system was evaluated by IAEA

From 17th to 28th November 2014, ASN hosted an IAEA peer review mission. This Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission concerned all the activities monitored and regulated by ASN. It examined the strengths and weaknesses of the French nuclear safety and radiation protection oversight system with respect to IAEA safety standards.

Published on 25/11/2014 at 10:30

ASN presents the French approach to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities

On 7th November 2014, Mr Masuda, TEPCO’s Head of decommissioning operations for reactors 1 to 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, met Philippe Jamet, ASN commissioner, and Fabien Schiltz, director of ASN’s Waste, Research Facilities and Fuel Cycle Facilities Department, in charge of decommissioning issues for the installations concerned in France.

Published on 24/11/2014 at 10:00

New European Approach for cross-border Emergency Preparedness

The heads of the national nuclear and radiation safety regulators in Europe have developed and agreed on a new approach to further improve the response and cross-border coordination for all types of possible accident scenarios including severe accidents, like the one in Fukushima. It contains overarching principles and provides an incentive for joint actions between neighbouring countries. The regulators have committed to engage a cooperation at national level with the competent authorities in charge of civil protection for the implementation of the corresponding measures.

Published on 17/11/2014 at 15:20

EPR Reactor: Information Letter n°16

In the second half of 2013 and early 2014, ASN carried out a number of inspections to continue its monitoring of the Flamanville 3 EPR reactor construction site and the various items being manufactured for it. The significant points over these recent months are detailed below.

Published on 13/11/2014 at 15:15

Reducing the average concentration of radon in European countries

Under a joint initiative from ASN and NRPA, 20 European countries, represented by authorities in charge of Radiation Protection, Health, Labour and Housing and Landscaping were brought together during a workshop on national radon action plans.