The Advisory Committees of Experts (GPE)

Since 2009, as part of its commitment to transparency in nuclear safety and radiation protection, ASN has published the GPE letters of referral, the opinions of the GPEs and ASN’s position statements based on these opinions.

The GPEs are consulted by the ASN Director-general on safety and radioprotection of nuclear installations issues within their particular field of competence. For most of the subjects covered, the GPEs examine the reports produced by IRSN, by an expert working group or by one of the ASN departments and send a written opinion, plus recommendations where necessary.

The GPEs consist of experts appointed individually for their competence and are open to civil society. Their members come from university and association backgrounds and from expert assessment and research organisations. They may also be licensees of nuclear facilities or come from other sectors (industrial, medical, etc.). Participation by foreign experts can help diversify the approach to problems and provide the benefit of experience acquired internationally.

International relations

United States of America

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Reactors (GPR) and The Advisory Committee of Experts for Nuclear Pressure Equipment (GPESPN) are in relation with the American ACRS.

In march 2023, members of the GPR and GPESPN have participate of the International Regulatory Advisory Committee Meeting with the Advisory Committees on Nuclear Safety  and Radiation Safety (Finland), the Nuclear Fuel Safety Examination Committee (NFSEC) and the Reactor Safety Examination Committee (RSEC), the Nuclear Regulation Authority (Japan), the Chief Nuclear Inspector’s Independent Advisory Panel, Expert Panel on Natural Hazards, and the Graphite Technical Advisory Committee  of the Office of Nuclear Regulation (United Kingdom).

The final report of this meeting is published on the NRC website:  

International Meeting of Nuclear Regulatory Advisory Committees (


The Advisory Committee of Experts for Waste (GPD) and the ESK (« Entsorgungkommossion » or The Nuclear Waste Management Commission) exchange views on the nuclear waste management during meetings organized alternatively in France and in Germany.

One expert of ASN is a member of the RSK (« Reaktor-Sichereitskommission » or Reactor Safety Commission).


One expert of ASN is a member of the Radiological Protection Advisory Committee of the l’Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

List of the Advisory Committees of Experts

Advisory Committee for Nuclear Reactors (GPR)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Reactors is chaired by Thierry Charles and vice-chaired by Jean François Sidaner.  It comprises experts nominated for their competence in the field of nuclear reactors.

36 members compound the GPR.

Advisory Committee for Laboratories and Plants (GPU)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Laboratories and Plants (GPU) is chaired by Alain Dorison and vice-chaired by Thierry Charles. It comprises experts nominated for their competence in the field of laboratories and plants concerned by radioactive substances.

30 members compound the GPU.

Advisory Committee for Waste (GPD)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Waste (GPD) is chaired by Marie-Pierre Comets and vice-chaired by Philippe Lalieux. It comprises experts nominated for their competence in the nuclear, geological and mining fields.

35 members compound the GPD.

Advisory Committee for Transport (GPT)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Transports (GPT) is chaired by Pierre Maleysis. It comprises experts nominated for their competence in the field of the transport of radioactive materials.

26 members compound the GPT.

Advisory Committee for Nuclear Pressure Equipment (GPESPN)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Nuclear Pressure Equipment (GPESPN) is chaired by Matthieu Schuler and vice-chaired by Jean-François Sorro. It comprises experts nominated for their competence in the field of pressure equipment.

33 members compound the GPESPN.

Advisory Committee for Decommissioning (GPDEM)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Decommissioning (GPDEM) has been chaired by Chantal Mommaert from 1 January 2023 to 31 december 2023. Dorothée Conte is the vice-chairwoman of the GPDEM.

It comprises experts nominated for their competence in the field of Basic Nuclear Installation decommissioning, including the clean-up of the premises, remediation of the soils, as well as environmental monitoring.

31 members compound the GPDEM.

Advisory Committee for Advanced Reactors (GT-RI)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Advanced Reactors (GT-RI) is chaired by Thierry Charles.

It comprises experts nominated from the permanent groups of experts (GPE) for Reactors (GPR), for Nuclear Pressure Equipment (GPESPN), for Laboratories and Plants (GPU), for Waste (GPD) and for Decommissioning (GPDEM).

It issues an opinion on new projects of small innovative modular reactors, for industrial purposes or experimental prototypes, of technology other than that of water reactors under pressure. It can be questioned on all the subjects covered, namely the nuclear safety of the reactors concerned, in its technical, organizational and human dimensions, radiation protection, environmental protection, safety-security interfaces or situation of emergency management.

16 members compound the GT-RI.

Advisory Committee for Radiation protection (GPRP)

The Advisory Committee of Experts for Radiation Protection of workers, the public and the environment, for the medical and forensic, veterinary, industrial and research applications of ionising radiation, as well as for naturally occurring ionising radiation (radon, cosmic or telluric radiation), as well as for the radiation protection of patients (GPRP) is chaired by Jean-Luc Godet.

It comprises experts nominated for their competence in the fields of:

  • radiation protection of workers, the public and the environment, for the medical and forensic, veterinary, industrial and research applications of ionising radiation, as well as for naturally occurring ionising radiation (radon, cosmic or telluric radiation);
  • radiation protection of patients.

36 experts compound the GPRP.

Owing to the specific nature of the subjects regarding the radiation protection of patients, a specific Working Group for these questions (GTRPP) reports to the GPRP. The GTRPP is chaired by Mr Thierry Sarrazin and comprises 25 experts, nine of whom are shared with the GPRP.

Committee for the Analysis of New Techniques and Practices using Ionising Radiation (Canpri)

The Committee for the Analysis of New Techniques and Practices using Ionising Radiation (Canpri) is chaired by ASN and comprises 16 experts appointed by ASN, from learned societies, along with representatives of the French health institutions.