News releases

All the news about nuclear safety and radiation protection

470 news

Published on 22/04/2016 at 15:00

Jean-Christophe Niel is appointed Director-General of IRSN

On 20th April 2016, by decree of the President of the French Republic, Jean-Christophe Niel was appointed Director-General of IRSN, the French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety. Jean-Christophe Niel had been the Director-General of ASN since January 2007.

Published on 11/03/2016 at 16:45

Incident of 9 April 2014 on reactor 1 of the Fessenheim NPP

On 9th April 2014, ASN was informed by EDF that internal flooding in the non-nuclear part of reactor 1 in the Fessenheim nuclear power plant had damaged the safety electrical systems, leading to shutdown of reactor 1.

Published on 01/03/2016 at 15:00

Corrosion of fission products concentrating evaporators at La Hague

On Thursday 11 February 2016, the ASN Commission called Philippe Knoche, Managing Director, to a hearing concerning the corrosion of the evaporators used to concentrate fission products on the La Hague site in presence of Philippe Varin, Chairman of the Areva group. This equipment, which was designed for an operational life of thirty years, entered into service between 1989 and 1994.

Published on 22/01/2016 at 17:45

The nuclear safety and radiation protection situation is of major concern

On 20 January, through its Chairman, Mr Pierre-Franck Chevet, ASN presented its New Year’s wishes to the press, in its Montrouge headquarters. Mr Pierre-Franck Chevet reviewed the current challenges faced by ASN and the strategic priorities for nuclear safety and radiation protection in 2016.

Published on 19/10/2015 at 11:30

Flamanville EPR reactor vessel

ASN convened the Advisory Committee concerning the anomaly affecting the Flamanville EPR reactor vessel