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All the latest news from the French Nuclear Safety Authority from 28 February 1999 to 2 January 2025.
The latest news from the French Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ASNR) is now published on the website.

479 news

Published on 31/10/2017 at 12:00

Safety of Spent Fuel Management and of Radioactive Waste Management obligations

The sixth triennial review meeting of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (called the "Joint Convention") will take place from 21 May to 1 June 2018 at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headquarters in Vienna.

Published on 16/10/2017 at 16:20

Risk of loss of heat sink for 29 nuclear reactors operated by EDF

ASN gives a level 2 rating on the INES scale to a significant safety event regarding a risk of the loss of heat sink for the reactors in the Belleville-sur-Loire, Cattenom, Chinon, Cruas, Dampierre-en-Burly, Golfech, Nogent-sur-Seine, Paluel, Saint-Alban and Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux NPPs. 29 900 MWe and 1300 MWe reactors are concerned by this event.

Published on 16/10/2017 at 12:08

Follow-up to the IRRS international audit mission

From 1st to 9th October 2017, ASN received an IAEA delegation responsible for follow-up to the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) international audit mission carried out in 2014, concerning all of the activities regulated by ASN.

Published on 11/10/2017 at 16:05

Flamanville EPR reactor: ASN issues its opinion

On 10th October 2017, ASN issued its opinion on the anomaly in the steel used for the Flamanville EPR reactor pressure vessel lower head and closure head. ASN considers that this anomaly is not such as to compromise the commissioning of the reactor pressure vessel, provided that specific checks are carried out during operation of the installation. As the feasibility of these checks cannot at present be confirmed for the closure head, ASN considers that the current closure head cannot be used beyond 2024.

Published on 04/10/2017 at 14:16

4e conference of the MDEP

Created in 2006, the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP) currently brings together the nuclear safety authorities of fifteen countries.

Published on 29/08/2017 at 12:28

Cigeo radioactive waste disposal facility

In April 2016, Andra sent ASN the safety options dossier (DOS) for the Cigeo radioactive waste deep geological disposal project. Submission of the DOS means that the project is now subject to a process covered by regulations concerning basic nuclear installations (BNI) and more specifically by article 6 of decree 2007.1557 of 2nd November 2007.

Published on 29/08/2017 at 12:08

2016-2018 PNGMDR

The 2016-2018 National Plan for Radioactive Materials and Waste Management (PNGMDR) was published on 25th February 2017 by the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and the Sea and ASN. For the first time it underwent a process to assess its effects on the environment, followed by a public consultation.

Published on 28/06/2017 at 16:00

ASN presents its position regarding the Flamanville EPR reactor vessel anomaly

On 28th June 2017, ASN presented its position regarding the Flamanville EPR reactor pressure vessel anomaly. ASN relied on the analysis of the files transmitted by Areva NP and EDF, carried out by its nuclear pressure equipment department and its technical support organisation IRSN, and on the opinion of its Advisory Committee for nuclear pressure equipment.

Published on 21/06/2017 at 14:23

Level 2 incident concerning the emergency diesel generator sets

ASN rated as level 2 on the INES scale a significant safety incident regarding the seismic resistance of the auxiliary systems of the emergency diesel generator sets of twenty 1300 MWe reactors on the Belleville, Cattenom, Flamanville, Golfech, Nogent, Paluel, Penly and Saint-Alban NPPs.

Published on 09/06/2017 at 19:30

EPR Reactor: Information Letter n°19

In the second half of 2016, ASN continued its monitoring of the Flamanville 3 EPR reactor and its various manufacturing operations. The notable points observed over these last few months are detailed below.

Published on 30/05/2017 at 17:15

40th INRA meeting

On May 17 and 18, the 40th meeting of the International Nuclear Regulators’ Association (INRA) allowed the participating heads of nuclear safety authorities to discuss their practices...